Hey guys, I’m about to leave for the airport and my mom told me that my little brother(2) said that he didn’t want to get on the plane because it was gonna break. I’m kinda freaking out right now.
Scared: Hey guys, I’m about to leave... - Anxiety and Depre...

Ah I get so anxious flying too..
It has always been ok and it will be ok for you too.
The thought of it is far worse than doing it,
I’m ok once I’m up ,
It will be ok...
Have a lovely time x

i’ll try saying that to myself while on the plane, hopefully there isn’t much turbulence. Thanks!
I just saw this now gadocd....I learned more recently there is a way to trick the brain
out of the fear we are feeling and that is.....put yourself at your destination. Getting off
the plane and seeing the people you know or the places you want to visit. By doing that the brain sees that a plan is in progress and your fears will start to diminish.
It's the not knowing that stirs up the anxious thoughts.
Let us know when you arrive. xx
Truly you will be ok...I’ve put myself through hell flying...I’ve flown a lot to various places...
Each and every time it’s fine...and each time I think why the heck did I let myself lose sleep....but it’s not easy I know...I have a fear of heights so I think that adds to it all..
Sending vibes for strength ..and you to believe you will be ok

thank youuuu!!!

Nice one Olivia40!