I’m really scared right now. I just took my second dose of mirtazapine🥹 I took one a few weeks ago and woke up so groggy it freaked me out, so I didn’t take it again. My depression and anxiety is so bad and can’t even remember how to put my legs on the side of the bed and get up. I have TMJ really bad which makes met hearing go out and closes up my throat. I’m so afraid the mirtazapine is going to make it worse. Please tell me it won’t🙄🥺🥰
scared: I’m really scared right now. I... - Anxiety and Depre...

What is TMJ? Feeling sleepy is a side effect of Mirtazapine and it does pass once it gets into your system. This isn't a strong powerful med you know and just one of the bog standard treatment for depression/anxiety.
There is no reason to be scared.
Call the doctor ASAP! I was given a new med to try in February and after 1 pill was drunk for a whole day, staggering, slurring my words, seeing double. I had to spend the day in bed. The next day I woke up hung over as if I had been drinking all night and when I got out of bed I fell and hit my face on the night stand. I never took another one of those pills. Everyone's body chemistry is different and reacts differently to meds. It sounds like that med is too strong or not right for you. Please call the doctor.
Agreed! Call your doctor.
Please keep us informed.
I have experience with Mirazapine
I just woke up. It’s 12 pm ! Wow I can’t believe I slept that long.🥴 very dry mouth. Head is swimmy. Jaw still hurts but not worse. I’m not hungry tho. One of the reasons the doc put me on this so it would help me eat. I hope it helps with the dread dark depression and anxiety.
Were you completely out of it during the day?
I have been taking mirtazapine for several weeks. The side effects disappeared after 2 weeks
I can only echo what others have said above, in that the grogginess should pass after about a fortnight or so. They seem to work for me. That being said, everyone's physiology is different, and I don't think any tablet is a 'one size fits all' they may not suit you & you may well have to find something else. I really hope you find something that helps you, and I really hope everything works out for you & you start to feel better. ❤️
stopped the mirtazapine, it completely closed up my sinuses and felt like there was something crawling on the right side of my face. I scratched it so much I had and open wound. That’s the 4th med I took that did that. I’m not sure I can be on meds anymore. I don’t know why they don’t have support groups like AA meetings. It’s crazy how this disease is so dismissed.