Hello? Anybody out there?: So, I just... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Hello? Anybody out there?

Lindabellle profile image
7 Replies

So, I just joined based on a suggestion I read about the need to connect with others. I've struggled with depression/anxiety for as long as I can remember, yet very few people know this. My doctor, etc. knows as do a couple of people close to me, but that's it. I fake it around others--although I bet my extended family/friends/co-workers think I am socially awkward. I feel that sharing with others is burdensome to them. Everyone seems to have a cross to bear, who would want to listen to my woes, too? Going back to the doctor this Friday to look at medication (yuck!) and have an appointment in two weeks to see a therapist again. The medical community should provide frequent flyer miles! Wow...thanks for the download.... Anyway, please tell me what I can look forward to in connecting here. I've never communicated in this manner before!

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7 Replies

Well, we will listen to you, so you say what you want to say.

Lots of people on here feel the same as you do, so you are not alone.

You can get advice, chat and make friends too.

Its a great place and now you are part of it.

Nice to meet you Lindabellle.

Lindabellle profile image
Lindabellle in reply to

Thank you. I appreciate the warm welcome. It will be nice to be able to "speak" with others who have similar concerns...and to be able to do so without screening thoughts.

in reply to Lindabellle

I hope you enjoy it.. ask questions, or just tell us what you are up to, anything really.

Have a great day.

Hi and Welcome Lindabellle!

I’m so glad you made the decision to join this community! You will find nice, friendly people who respond to your posts and you can respond to them. There’s plenty who are experienced with great advice. I too have joined for more social interaction. I hope you get what you need! Wishing you the best!!

LadyO4 profile image

I think as in any setting, you will find a mixture of personalities and background experiences. But since most people go online to give help or receive help, I'm hoping you feel comfortable sharing your burdens. No one makes it through this life without some level of challenge, and if anxiety and depression is yours, please know that others are here who understand what you face.

I would like to encourage you by listing a few methods I implemented to reduce and eliminate anxiety and depression from my life. It was not an overnight process, but rather a learning experience about my family history, my personality type, my relationships, my environment, my body functions, my brain waves, my expectations of myself, etc.

Learning about your mind, your body, your soul, and your spirit are so vitally important because they all overlap; you can't isolate and treat one of them without discovering how the others are involved.

Your mind/soul (personality, temperance, intelligence, grief, rejection, loneliness, expectations, childhood memories, conciseness) - includes a thorough understanding of how thought patterns can control a person. Making choices to reverse them can become a way of life that will take our thinking in new directions. It requires some discipline but can be done. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

Your body - includes knowing what is happening with your brain chemicals, your hormone imbalances, your diet, your exercise, your gut, your immune system, your neurotransmitters, etc.

Your spirit - this is the part of man that is connected to God, and looks to God for complete sustenance. Knowing what the Bible says about you will greatly influence your level of hope.

Depression and anxiety is a huge topic, and could never be adequately addresses in this small space. But I do want to encourage you to seek out help in all these areas, so you too can be assured your are getting the best help available. it might take some digging around to find the right counselor, therapist, functional doctor, church member, support group, hotline worker, or other respected individual who can lead you down a path toward wholeness. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts.

Lindabellle profile image
Lindabellle in reply to LadyO4

Thank you for your response. You have given me a lot to think about which is appreciated.

There are many aspects of my being that I have neglected, spirituality is one of them. I have been blessed bountifully; however, find that I can easily lose my spiritual connectedness. I don't feel that He is listening to me or I lose the gumption to get myself to church/The Bible. Part of that is my lack of patience--the whole instant gratification type of thing. Also, going to church can been intimidating due to the expectation to mingle with others, which is hard.

I am also glad that you mentioned the familial piece. Man! Do I have a mess where that is concerned! My brother has had a complete meltdown within the last several weeks--lost two jobs within a year. I've never seen him like this before. I know he needs more of me and my mom and dad, but it is SO hard. He criticizes my dad, blaming him for messing him up. Literally, put his finger in my dad's face. Again, never, ever seen that before. Long story short... there are just the four of us in my family and everyone is talking about their concerns/gripes about the other to me, at me. I could go on and on about this, but will spare you.

I am getting older (aren't we all though?) and wonder how waning hormones may be at work. Do you know anything about that? Nasty trick Mother Nature plays on us. :(

Thank you for your time.


LadyO4 profile image

Thank you so much for writing back! It's nice to be able to share things like this. Everyone has their own story, so I appreciate you feeling free enough to share bits and pieces of yours with me!

Have you ever heard the phrase that says, "We are a work in progress"? It's true too. And thankfully, it helps us be patient with ourselves, while moving forward to reach our goals. In the same way we choose to raise our kids a certain way, or choose to eat a certain way, or choose to begin a career, we can choose which path of life to go down, knowing it might not bear results right away, but it will develop endurance and perseverance if we let it.

I thinks it's fantastic that you are aware of these parts of your life that affect you the most. Just the fact that you mention them says they hold some kind of importance to you.

I sure hope your brother is ok. I will pray for him.

And our hormones? Yes they can play tricks on us when we are not looking! I don't know what kind of research you have done, but there is lot of valuable information out there that helps simple people like you and me clearly understand the role of hormones, how to detect when there is an imbalance, and what some natural methods are for restoring them back into balance. You might find it interesting reading material.

God has been so good to me over the years. Even when I was at my lowest point, He gave me assurance that I was never alone, and that the battle I faced was never too big for Him to fight.

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom." Isaiah 40:28

I included this Bible verse because it helps us see ourselves up against God's infinite wisdom and power. Once a person knows He's on their side, life's mountains aren't as hard to climb. He will hold us up, and He will be the reason we accomplish anything at all.

Thanks for chatting! I enjoyed it!

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