What would you do if your hair was fa... - Anxiety and Depre...

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What would you do if your hair was falling out at a rapid rate?

Starrlight profile image
35 Replies

I tried shampoos and Rogaine and see no difference. I already have seen a dermatologist a few times and had blood work done and because of high level of antibodies tomorrow will see a Rheumotologist. But it seems like I will just keep loosing my hair until it is gone as half is gone and clumps fall out every day. Maybe it’s heredity but it seems so severe to be that. Maybe it’s stress. Maybe meds. Maybe autoimmune disease. I know it’s just hair but I feel like my life will be over in a way. I feel like I’m falling apart emotionally and physically and trying to stay put together for my kids. I am feeling at a loss in this miserable hopeless situation. There is a med I might be able to take that might help but it depends on what the Rheumotologist says. I will probably have more tests run first. I feel like this all is taking so long meanwhile I’m loosing more hair and it’s scary. I really rather not have to wear a hajab or a wig. I just need this to stop but no signs of that happening. My anxiety is soaring.

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Starrlight profile image
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35 Replies
Dubba61 profile image

Hello Starr, i have a friend with Alepecia n the Caffeine shampoos seem to work for her. They seem to thicken the hair shaft. I honestly don't know what i would do in your position. My hair is probably my best feature. So i would be heartbroken to loose it. If worst comes to worst there are some very nice Wigs and hairpieces around these days. Very natural looking. My very best thoughts are with you.😊👍🌻

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Dubba61

I’ll research caffine shampoos thank you Dubba! Yeah I have thick curly hair that is so a part of my identity so I am quite depressed about this. I can’t picture myself with a wig. I just can’t.

Dubba61 profile image
Dubba61 in reply to Starrlight

Mmm i can understand that Starr. N i truely sympathise. 😊✌️🌻

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Dubba61


Starrlight profile image

I feel like I will keep falling apart.

My hair did that for almost a year. Have they checked your thyroid? Maybe you can look it up and see what conditions it is a symptom of? I think that if you had a serious health problem, there would be other symptoms-severe. This sounds autoimmune as you said. Try not to worry unless you know for sure. The good thing about autoimmune diseases is that most are not fatal or terminal; however they can make you very sick. Please try not to worry. I never did find out why my hair was falling out in clumps while brushing and in the shower but I was extremely stressed and depressed and not eating well or talking vitamins. Please make sure that you are getting enough iron! They can test for anemia. Other signs are dizziness and fatigue. I know that it is SUPER hard NOT to worry! But please just try. I hope that this consolation helps you and if you ever need someone to talk to, you have someone here. You can pm me anytime. I know how scared you must feel but most likely, everything is probably going to be OK, especially if you are young; I am 32 now but I was about 28-29 when my hair was falling out for a year. Once my life got improved so did the condition. Please let us know how everything goes. ; )

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Thanks so much for telling me of your story. I’m glad your condition improved. I wish it was terminal and I know that sounds crazy and I do want to be there for my kids but I feel so so sad beyond sad and beyond scared and feeling like many people dont like or love me and I don’t know but it hurts so badly. I am just feeling so done. There seems to be too much wrong with me. Every day is a battle and I am exhausted. And things will get worse. I am caring for my mom and she is doing poorly with Alzheimer’s and the house needs work is a mess but I can only do so much ....I need to stop focusing on mg issues I think... need to focus on the good stuff I am trying I will keep trying.

in reply to Starrlight

You can do this.... may not be easy... I believe in You!!! Love & hugs!!!

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I sympathise as hair is always a big part of our identity as woman isn't it? It doesn't mean you are any less a woman or any less you but I guess you need time to get your head round that one. We all would.

One thing is though if it is stress then do what you can to control your anxiety as this can only make it worse. I hope you find some answers. x

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to hypercat54

Thanks Hypercat... yeah it’s hard to believe but I have to accept I may loose it all and obviously it’s stressful buuuuuut obviously I also need to NOT Stress!!! ...Which is hard the way my thoughts tend to go these days...positive thinking I used to be great at but I have found myself slip back into a place where positivity is hard to find. I don’t even know why I get scared and overwhelmed sometimes it’s like a hidden mysterious ghost following me around calling the shots and I’m sick of it. I don’t want to live like this.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Starrlight

Is this like the fat old woman who keeps following me around? She is in shop windows and mirrors at home. I don't know who she is but I wish she would go away! :) x

in reply to hypercat54

Thank you for the laugh & smile...I sure needed that one today!!! XXX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Glad to oblige :p xx

in reply to hypercat54

You're a sweetheart!!! XXX

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to hypercat54

Omg hahaha 😆!!!

hypercat54 profile image

:) :D xx

I am sorry Starrlight. I hope for the best in dealing with your hair loss. I do not know why they sell Rogaine; it is a waste. With the lupus I have experienced a great deal of hair loss. I no longer worry about it. I just thank the Lord God for each day that He wakes me up. Praying for the best outcome for you💕.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

It’s comforting that you have been going through similar and that you don’t worry. I wish I could be more grateful for my days. Thanks for praying for the best. I just said a prayer for you. 💕

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Stress and anxiety can Very much be the cause of your hair falling out.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Want2BHappy3

Yup true. I go in to see the Rheumotologist this morning. So curious what he’ll say.

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Also getting older, Hope he can help. Good luck


I was losing my hair at a rapid rate ten years ago. I tried everything and nothing really worked. I was stressed and embarrassed. Always looking for the perfect solution. Then one day, I decided to stop torturing myself and my bank account with miracle remedies and doctor visits. I decided I didn't want to take more drugs than I really needed to. Now, I wear wigs. Most of them are custom-made and good quality so they last a long time. They look very natural.

Starr, just know that you are not alone. We all are going through something, right? We hear you and you hear us.

You are loved!! :)

P.S. I am not trying to discourage you finding something that works for you. Just wanted to put my two cents in.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Thanks for sharing. Yeah nothing is working so far. Except during my last shower a more normal amount came out but that happens from time to time. I did just get put on a pill a few weeks ago by my dermatologist but that I bet will be my last attempt to stop the hair loss. Yeah we all are going through something. I hope your somethings are not troubling you badly today. May you have peaceful and joyful moments.

Aww thanks, Starrlight. :)

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

No problem. Always soooooo nice to see you here! 😃

Hello Starrlight. I can only imagine how scary this situation feels. One of my first thoughts is, have you had thyroid levels checked? I had to have mine removed a few years back due to a nodule on it and a previously undiagnosed autoimmune disorder called Hasimoto's. I know that thyroid issues can impact hair, among many other things. It is just a thought based on my experience. (I now take a pill every morning to replace the hormones once produced by my thyroid). As you go through the medical tests, etc. for this (I am glad that you are doing so) may I suggest focusing on your breath. As I read your post, I got the sense that you need to remember to breathe. When I feel overwhelmed, I sometimes hug my purple pillow and breathe in for a count of four, hold for seven, and blow slowly out for eight. I repeat this several times. It really helps (when I remember to do it)! No one, especially me, deals with anxiety perfectly on any day, But approaching things one day, one moment at a time does help. I wish you the best, and hope you find your answers soon so that you can finally have relieve. Until then, I hope that this breathing exercise is helpful to you. Take care, PurpleFiddler

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Yeah I have been meditating a few times a day and exercising, deep breathing, trying to be healthier. My hair hasn’t fallen out in a while since I’ve been on a few medications. I think it’s from stress but maybe heredity too.

Thanks for your input

Hope you are well

in reply to Starrlight

I am glad you found a resolution! I realized after I replied that your original message was from a couple years back. I am new here and seeking fresh answers for my struggles as well. Thanks and take care. PurpleFiddler

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

What are you struggling with now?

Hi Starrlight. I am struggling mostly with anxiety, complicated by rapid-cycling bipolar d/o. When I get depressed (I am suspecting right now it's due to prednisone taken recently for a bad asthma attack), I sometimes hear voices say bad things about me, plus I feel like my neighbors are watching and laughing at me for wearing a mask, etc. A lot of this is a result of childhood trauma, as well as inherited mental health challenges in the family. On good days, I feel fine and am fun to be around, upbeat. But these voices leave my head in a fog, and I catch myself rocking back and forth. I have to talk myself through it, not knowing what else to do outside the meds. That is really why I am seeking support. The more I am alone, the worse it gets. I can get out and walk if I can talk myself through the paranoia. Luckily I don't have these symptoms all the time, like my friends with schizophrenia do. I don't fit any box neatly. I am just PurpleFiddler, with a lot of struggles, but a lot of strength. I just completed college (tech school) despite COVID taking away my commencement. Booo!!!! ;-) I don't say all this to frighten you; it is simply what my struggle is. Thank you for asking me. Even if you don't have any experiences like this or have any suggestions, just telling my story helps. Thanks and take care.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

I also have bipolar. I’m glad it helps you to write these feelings out. I’m reading a book and doing the workbook called The Body Keeps The Score about trauma.

Tara52 profile image

Mine was due to low thyroid

It took an endocrinologist to test for it. I take thyroid medication now andmy hair stopped falling put.😊

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Tara52

I think for me it was stress. I went on Spironolactone and Visceral and it stopped coming out.

Tara52 profile image
Tara52 in reply to Starrlight

Oh that's good. I am glad you found the resson.😊

Daesin profile image

Well, this might be a little out there but I always wanted to dye my hair a funky color. Maybe a brilliant lavender or emerald green. If it's going to fall out you might as well have fun with it before it goes.

Sorry I don't have anything else... sounds like the situation really stinks.

Blessings to all.

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