Okay so I’ve been noticing this for a long while (years)but today I just feel I just am beside myself- it is freaky- so, I notice I will write a message to someone pm or respond to a post and it’s say 8 hours old and I see it but I have no I mean no recollection of writing it. Sometimes I will think what I wrote doesn’t really sound like me either, weird so WTH I have short term memory loss it seems. Do I just zone out maybe hmmm. I’m going to have to begin an investigation seriously I need to figure out what is happening to me. I think I will be watching meds and supplements. I pray I am not loosing my mind like my mom has. 😞 what do you think?
You guys my memory problem is scaring... - Anxiety and Depre...
You guys my memory problem is scaring me

It is a little weird that you don't remember writing it, has it always been that way or it come and goes

Yeah it is weird. Now I think I know what it may be so I’ll make a change and hope for the best.
Here's a suggestion: Fish oil is high in DHA a substance that improves brain function. Wanna really do something about it? Try phospahtidyl serine. PS is nearly miraculous in restoring brain function over a period of a few weeks. Try 100mgs up to 3 times per day. Gingko Biloba is also helpful. 120 mgs of extract 1 time daily (or 60mgs extract twice daily). I really care my friend and I have more suggestions if you want more input!
You are not losing your mind, my BFF! But. you do need to do something about this right away! Okay? Sue and I will pray for you.
sorry to hear that hope its nothing but could you book an appointment for a memory clinic.
I don’t know... I mean my mom went in somewhere and the doc said to her you have Alzheimer’s and they gave her meds that can’t help her much if any they are supposed to possibly prevent it some from getting worse but she’s in the late stages. I’m so scared.
I'm also going through this for a few years now, but it's getting worse. I spoke to my foctor about 3 months ago about it, but he didn't seem concerned. He did a few blood tests, everything came back normal. He told me to buy L-Theanine. I recently bought it, and even though I'm not on it very long, I feel no improvement. Also, I am EXCESSIVELY tired. Is it from the depression?? Sigh.....who knows. I just want to start feeling better already! I'm going to him on Monday again, anxious to see what he says. Yes-it is VERY SCARY. 😰😰 Other people are also noticing it. I used to ve very sharp with details. Now that has faded. ☹
I’m sorry to hear you go through it too. Do you take meds that may cause it? Sometimes I think it’s the anxiety causing it but then other times it’s so bad I am thinking it’s a med, ativan, causing it.
I take one Xanax every night to fall asleep, and I also take Venlafaxine for depression. But Ive been on that for years-no problem. The Xanax I started maybe a year ago. I really wonder if it could be that. Anxiety could be it too. It's funny it happened MORE when I moved into my new location 3 years ago. I am not happy here, but right now, I have no choice to move. I am going to have an in depth conversation with my doctor on Monday and see what he says.
Hey my friend x
You’re not losing your mind x but it might not be normal to complete have no recollection of it... maybe make an appointment and just get checked out just so you don’t worry about it or overthink it x 💕

I just can’t. I’m terrified.
I totally understand you Starrlight. TOTALLY. I do this with other health related check-ups. That's a whole nuther story....🙄
Weeeeeellllllllll...since I have both short and long term memory loss, your story sounds very familiar. Most of the time my memory is jogged by rereading something I have posted, but on rare occasion, I can even not remember all of my own words. I can't worry about this, the damage is done and life goes on. Besides, what's going to happen if I don't completely remember all of these things? Really?? Nothing much, in my opinion. I just have to stay humble, recognize my memory losses, and ask someone to go ahead and tell me what they're talking about that I've forgotten, admitting to my loss. It's really no big deal in the vast majority of the time. I hope this helps you not to be too stressed after you sort this out.
Hugs, Love, and Blessings...
I feel like you it’s like well it’s done and if it cannot be fixed then move on but see I think it may be the ativan I’m taking so I need to stop it but it’s hard as it helps so much. But it’s not worth it I’ll manage eithoutvand see if there’s any improvement.
I’m sorry you experience it too. It sounds like you have a healthy attitude about it.
Oh boy. Yeah, ativan will do it. I was on a benzo for about 27 years...that did it for me. I definitely needed it so I don't regret it at all. Since you're noticing the memory problems, it would be best if you can get off the benzo and substitute something else...perhaps a big if. At least, it's worth a try or two.
For anyone else reading this, being on a benzo long term doesn't always affect your memory, just sometimes, maybe often, idk, but certainly it's not a sure thing.
Yeah I have really felt ativan was so helpful but now that I am on Paxil and having more better days I will go off of ativan. My husband told me a while back to not take it as it can lead to Alzheimer’s but you know like you, I needed it. Thank you Bonnie Sue You made me feel a little better. You know though I think it will be very hard to not take them.
Well, maybe that is true, maybe not. After my husband died, I started getting sleepy while sitting up and then I'd fall asleep by my head dropping on the table before me without much warning. So I decided to try to back off the benzo and it helped. I backed off and backed off until I wasn't falling asleep in strange places or at strange times and by then I was completely off my benzo! How the heck I could need 4 mgs/day for 27 yrs. and suddenly not need any at all?!?! And it's stayed that way 2 yrs. later. Stranger things...
When I was going through anxiety and stress I would forget from one moment to the next. I still forget but I do not think it is dementia or Alzheimer’s, just a symptom of stress and anxiety. I have this thing I do, lol, I blame my friend for everything I lose or can’t remember. Then I do not feel so bad, lol.
Do some research into your meds, and vitamins, I love your posts, somdont stop writing them, xxx love always ❤️
What meds and supplements have you been taking?
well, I think you should see a neurologist, and maybe get checked out. When someone starts having memory issues, they get scared because they jump to the worst conclusion. There are many reasons for memory loss that are as simple as your electrolytes being off, or a med that is interacting poorly with another one. The one thing I know for sure is early detection is the key to any treatment. The sooner a neurologist can find the issue, the sooner you can work to get well! I wish you luck.
I have the same problem with memory, though mine is due to my Diagnosis aswell as prescribed medications. I am Bi-polar (from very depressed up to Manic in 30 minutes) but I am prescribed Diazepam (Valium) which I took 30mg for 10 years and 60mg for the other 10 years thus far. This has left me, when I'm involved in a conversation I can start talking about a subject and halfway through forget completely what was even the topic of conversation. Fortunately my family are used to this and help me out by reminding me of what I was saying, even then sometimes I will still say "I've no idea what I was talking about" and ask for a further refresher.
I've heard that memory comes back on stopping Diazepam. However I'm not prepared/or willing to come off them. I've reduced the diazepam down to a 1/3 of my previous dosage. I have been unable to reduce any lower. I tried as an in-patient but got to 20mg and couldn't go any lower even when I was an inpatient where I had nothing to cause me to worry but still was unable to taper any lower.