I’m extremely nervous about going to see my therapist today. I’m having a massive panic attack just thinking about it.
Nervous : I’m extremely nervous about... - Anxiety and Depre...

Good Luck Cat, keep in mind that she is there to help you. You will be in a SAFE place
during your session. Breathe xx
Ho Cat, I think the build up can cause anxiety but hopefully you will be fine once you are there . I hope it helps .
Like Agora said, the therapist is on your side. You're not going to court to see a judge. You're going to see someone who can really help you - that's all. There's no need to be nervous. Just be honest there, and you'll get the most out of it.
Let us know how it went.
It kind of sucked.
Hey Cat, how have you been? Did you make it to the therapist?
You may need to find another therapist. Perhaps the one you saw yesterday isn't a good fit for you. But was the "rude" behavior the therapist's asking questions that seemed probing and hurtful? A therapist isn't there to be your friend, but help you find a way through the problems you have. I'll tell you that you that therapy doesn't show you the way around a problem. You have to go through it -- and it's usually painful. But you can get better. However, if you really don't think this therapist is the one you can work with, you'll need to find another. Is there a mental health agency in your community that might give you a list of other professionals you could see?
You shouldn't be that's what there for, don't be afraid to change doctors if you feel like he's not working for you? I've had to change then here and there. It will be ok, who knows he could help YOU??? Go in with a positive attitude and don't hold back.