I am here for the same thing as everyone else. I feel like I am supposed to take solace in the fact that we are all dealing with a similar situation but it honestly makes me feel like there's no point to any of this. With that said I'm giving it a chance and I am hoping to find some support on here. I have known I experience depression for most of my life but I have recently found out I also deal with anxiety and I could potentially be autistic? I have had alot of things happen in my life recently that have lead me to a very low place. I was referred to this chat by someone on a hotline to help me with some specific ideations I have been having. If anyone feels like they can offer me any type of support that would be great. I am not sure how much longer I can deal with all of this though to be honest. It is getting to be just too much.
Need a Friend: I am here for the same... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need a Friend

Hello and Welcome. There is a lot of support available here. I am glad you have joined us. There are people at all different stages here. Some people have recovered from anxiety and are here to encourage and support the rest of us. Being here does inspire hope. I am glad you are giving it a chance.
I can feel the struggle in your words. I am a longtime sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks. I know it can be tough and lonely, but know there is always something to fight for. You got this!
hi and welcome to health unlocked
Yes do give your mental health priority and must do everything to focus on it
Give yourself a chance and rest and meditate until you can do something
Guided meditation five min on YouTube just google
Relaxation also important during this time with self care
You are important
We are here for you
Welcome new friend! Just as when you weightlift, you start out slowly, it is the same
in taking small steps forward and not staying stuck. Using this community as a spotter
can be helpful in guiding you to the right path. We share our own journeys so as to help
others trying to find their direction in life.
You've found a safe and caring place. xx
Hang in there! I will pray for you.
I’m giving this a go as well, just signed up yesterday. Depression sucks- anxiety plus that….yup, even more. I’m hoping to find some solace, peace, connections too. This just might be the right place to start. Give it a go. ⭐️
Hi I hope this message finds you well. I have struggled with depression, anxiety ocd, bipolar, personality disorder, ptsd, adhd and conversion disorder It has been a very long journey my mental health started declining as a child due to sexual abuse and this send me to a spiral. My entire life I’ve felt like I don’t belong, However I’ve been doing a lot better since 2019 I got the right medication and I started to feel less depressed. Then I made a list of any toxic things, habits and people and slowly started to let go. Since I let go of some people in my life and started to work out to work on my self esteem seems like I am heading to the right path. I feel more at peace since I have ocd I decided that cleaning houses was the best job for me. First ask your self what can you change to make your life easier. What’s in your power to change the rest will have to wait. You are the priority. Look at your self and ask your self do I love my self and depending on the answer you might have to do some work. Journal at night before going to bed and you will sleep a lot better. Soround your self with positive people paper your self. Don’t dwell on things that are out of your control. Make a list of your priorities and goals to get to the best you. I hope this helps.
Hi and welcome. I'm not new but haven't really used my account yet...I guess I'm in need of a friend too. Most of mine have moved or died...including family. Loneliness can be tough but if you want feel free to message me and I'd be happy to chat or be a listening ear . Hang in there 🙏 💓
You’re not alone, and reaching out shows strength. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed—there’s support, and you matter. One step at a time.