Hello everyone, I'm new to the group. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for years now, but it's gotten worse. I barely leave the house unless I have an appointment. My anxiety is so bad I avoid interacting with family and friends. I can be in a room for of people that love me and still feel alone like I don't belong. My life has been disrupted by frequent hospitalizations so I feel like I haven't really experienced life at this point and really don't have much to talk about. I'm a quiet person by nature but this isolation thing is gone beyond that to the point I feel like Im going to waste away and die alone. I just really need friends who understand...
Anxiety...Need a friend : Hello... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety...Need a friend

Welcome MrsSippySlim, you have found a community of mutual friends who
understand and support each other. I'm glad you found us. We care xx
You are not alone. This is a great community of caring people willing to help. I have found nothing but understanding, good hearted people here. They have been nothing but helpful to me. I hope that you will find them as helpful as I do.
Hello and Welcome. I always felt like I had nothing to talk about either. There is always something to talk about here with people who understand. It is a great place to make friends.
Thanks. I guess I feel that way because I've spent most of my time in and out of the hospital and it's like that's become my life up to this point. When I'm not there I'm in isolation.
I fully understand what you're going through. I am too.
you are so strong for dealing with what you deal with.
I completely understand where you're coming from. I feel the same way when it comes to not being able to leave the house or visit friends and family. Sorry to hear about your hospitalization. you can talk to me. I'll make a note to check this every day because you and I seem to be able to understand each other very well.
Welcome to the group. I think you will like it here. We all understand where you are coming from.
Hi there and welcome to the group. Just like the other said this is a very safe place to call home where you can let your feelings out and find people that understand where you're coming from and you will find a lot of supportive people here. I'm glad you reached out. I was hospitalized three times when I was much younger so I get where you are right now. Just know you've found your people.
hey there. I’m here in the same situation. I just experienced my first hospitalization and begin outpatient in a week. I’m diagnosed with MDD. anxiety and depression has me even in bed most days. Lost my job last week. I’ve had a successful career for 34 years. I’m going on 4 months of not wanting to leave house too. It’s also affected my appetite. I can’t eat anything but ice cream or smoothies.
Where do you live? I’m in Georgia US
If it makes you feel better, my life had previously been interrupted by frequent hospitalizations too. This came to pass. I don't think anyone spends the entirety of their lives stuck in a hospital. But we're talking a good eight years of my life in and out of the hospital system. I hope it's not that bad for you.
You will be just fine, it's just your mind thinking too hard, trust me I no how you feel
I understand exactly what you're going through as I am going through the same thing right now. I have been struggling with anxiety and depression for years but this is the first time it's been so extreme . You've come to the right place. Everyone here is kind and understanding.
Welcome to the platform