Had a company work function last night and I put on my happy face during the entire dinner. Got home and had a breakdown. Had a little health anxiety melt down. Woke up this morning and feel a bit better. Talked to my wife and I think we have a game plan together so I can battle these anxiety feelings. I upset her last night with some of my thoughts and I don’t ever want to do that again, I never want to upset her. Any words of encouragement always help me. Thanks everyone. Fighting hard for better mental help! Your kind words always makes me smile.
bad night last night : Had a company... - Anxiety and Depre...
bad night last night

You made it to the dinner....BIG kuddos for that! Everyone falls apart sometime and if they say they dont...wellll.....sure...YOU got dressed to go to dinner right? way to go! you have a wife who cares...BIG BIG THING. You have people! welcome aboard...human.
Thank you! Yeah I almost didn’t go but I went. Yes she cares a lot. I jump to the worst instead of putting positive spins on things. In my life had so much negativity growing up, it’s hard to change those habits of always thinking negatively first, but I am trying. So hard trying. I appreciate the kind words. They make me smile and even if it doesn’t last forever, every moment I spend smiling is one better moment that’s good as opposed to a bad one. We all need more better moments!
Adam,,,i really really like what you just said about each moment opposed the the bad one...awesome. Do you write. iff not grab a paper and see what you have inside,,,we need your experience. nite
Thank you. No I don’t write but sitting down and thinking about encouraging words and thoughts and putting them on paper is a good idea. I am always willing to help anyone.
Here is a high school poem i keep in my pocket when i go out....Hope its ok... In days of old when knights were bold and hankies not invented...they blew thier nose on thier underclothes and went away contented...(its a silly to devert mental attention.)
Understanding mental health care more complicated than you think. We will manage better if anticipate all but we can never be sure what is subconcious brain. All we can do is visualise and feed it affirmations and good thoughts to programme. But deep down we have feelings. To have feelings, we are human and should forgive us for not doing our best infront of loved ones. Then heal the hurt they feel with flowers or gifts or special food and we hope we can begin to share happier times, too. Difficult moments, we just have to go through when we are real about it all. Just look to the best times to overcome
You are not alone in having those mental breaks and saying things that upset loved ones. The ones you feel safe enough with to finally let those emotions out. You are so blessed to have someone stand by you and want to help you through it. I wish you the very best in moving towards better mental health.
thank you!
Great job for making it to your function. I backed out last minute for my Sig.others work Xmas party. I was planning on going, but just couldn’t. I’m sorry things went bad when you got home. I’m glad you are feeling a bit better today.
thank you!
here is a funny quote I saw somewhere once that makes me chuckle.
Dont worry about falling apart sometimes , tacos fall apart all the time and we still love tacos’
Hang in there, sounds like you have an incredible supportive wife. So happy you have that have that get you through this,
But ok agree with jackiesj! Do give yourself credit for getting dressed and going, that is a big deal!