So thursday I went to the job interview. I knew all the answers to the questions. And an hour And half later they told me the job is mine. This is a job that can change my whole career. I wanted a kitchen job And that's what i got. I'm stoked but then my family is not. It's in a detention center. Yes im aware of the danger. But I'm getting all this negativety from everyone. Do not take the job. That detention centers are not good. Even my parents are listening to my other relatives. I have no support at all. First of its A FEDERAL JOB!! Do you know how many opportunities are like this! Agh! I'm losing all hope I need security clearance before i start. And I get to cook which is my favorite thing to do. 😞😞
Feeling bummed out: So thursday I went... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling bummed out
Personally I think you should whats best for you. And if you think this is great opportunity go for it. Enjoy doing what you like it Cooking.
stop listening to everyone else would be my first suggestion, if your happy, it does not matter what they think. And your an adult, so don't let them treat you like a child that needs to be told what to do. A government job has terrific benefits most other jobs don't. Being a cook in a regular restaurant is a min. pay dead end job. Your very lucky to have that job. As for the risk, well, I'm sure during your intake they will brief you on all the precautions you will need to take, and talk to co-workers on how they keep themselves safe. I have a friend who's been a prison nurse for over 30 years, and is also a hostage negotiator. I have another friend who teaches Yoga to inmates, she's 5'2" and neither has ever had an incident.
That's GREAT!🎉🎊 you should be proud of yourself 100%. You did it! If this is what YOU want, hell, take it! It's your life and your choice! But what do you mean by it's dangerous?
It's a detention center. So I will be working next to detainees

Oh, well there should be like security and stuff. You just do what you wanna do. Always follow your heart. You don't wanna look back down the road and think "damn, i should've done what I WANTED". You know? (Cheering you on!👏)
Why are you sad??? You've got a federal job with a pension! This is your life, and you need to live it- not for other people. Congratulations! Do NOT give up this opportunity.
I'm excited about the job. It's more like I'm not having the support of my family. That is why I feel bummed out.

sAww, we can be your family
I think this is too great of an opportunity to pass up. And maybe being around detainees - may help with the depression and anxiety being around people who have struggled and went down the wrong path. It will remind you (hopefully) that you are on the RIGHT one!! ❤️❤️

This is your life- you can't please everyone!