Hi, guys.
I have an 11 year old son who has just started Secondary school. he has Anxiety, but was getting on reasonable ok, but now he has started saying that he doesn't want to go to school. He is very bright so doesn't struggle with lessons. I think one thing that might be causing an issue, is if they don't do home work they get a detention, my son couldn't do his maths, as its online and he forgot his password. so now he is stressing over getting a detention. I know they have to had out detentions, but feel when its just a forgotten password, this is a bit harsh. it would help if they let first years get settled into secondary school life first, say 6 months, then start with detentions. Another thing is they are under pressure to get dressed after PE, then get to the next class, which if they get to class late they get detention! I can understand been late to class, but they get detention if they are only like 2 minutes late, I know they are preparing kids for adult life, but which job requires you to get changed from one uniform to another in 10 minutes?
I have phoned his school to arrange a meeting, but would like some advice on things I can do to help. I didn't like school, I got bullied a lot, it made my life miserable and not very nice for a long time, even after school had finished, school had knocked my confidence for six, I don't want my son to have this as he could do very well as he is great at maths.