I have a horrific mice phobia and just saw one again. Many have been caught, but they are still here. I just walked into the bathroom and saw one run across the back wall. I AM PETRIFIED😭😭😭 I have been sitting on the couch for over an hour now-afraid to move. My dogs have to be fed, I have to eat and do things, and I am PETRIFIED. I am on 150 mg. of Venlafaxine. I have 1mg. Xanax which I just took 2. They are NOT helping me..How many Xanax can I safely take at one time?? The fear is UNBELIEVABLE. I know that if you have never experienced a phobia, you can't begin to imagine what it feels like.
Please-someone help me-I'm going out ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Please-someone help me-I'm going out of my mind 😭😭😭

Phobia's are horrible to have. They seem inexplicable to other people but terrifying for the victim.
Are you talking to a counselor?
No-I do not have health insurance. I tried hypnosis Dvds which did not work and one BWRT session ( free), which did not help either. I am trying to get health insurance and should know more by the end of February. Thanks for your response!
Good luck with that - I hope you get the help you need.
Here is some self-help tips that you could try:
I wouldn’t recommend more than what you have taken. Give yourself some time. Close your eyes, slow deep breaths. Once you get your wits- your daily chores can wait- goto the store and buy as many sticky traps as you feel you need to buy. Just so there is nothing toxic for your dog. Put Peanut Butter on those things and then deep breath again- you are on you’re way to putting an uninvited guest. Better yet- do you have a friend with a cat you could borrow?? That can also put your mind at ease knowing you have a “protector” against the unwanted.
I can't buy the sticky traps. Part of the problem is actually SEEING it!! I have to buy enclosed traps so that the only thing i can see is it's tail sticking out, which believe me is bad enough!!😨😨Like when I saw it run in the bathroom yesterday. Well today I got more traps in that I ordered and some of that expanding foam. I was working in my kitchen cabinet, and when I was finished, opened the other side. There was a mouse RIGHT THERE looking at me!! Right there!!!! I screamed and ran. I hear him in that cabinet now. I am HOPING that he can somehow get into the other side and die in one of the traps that are there. I can't borrow a cat. I already have 4 dogs and don't think they would all get along. I could never take a chance in any one of them getting hurt.