I have to go to work in a few hours and I'm totally freaking out for no reason. My job is easy and my co-workers are great. But I'm still having terrible anxiety about it. Can anyone relate?
Why is going to work so scary - Anxiety and Depre...
Why is going to work so scary

Every day, my friend, every day. For me it’s a new situation and new people. But I have to persist.
marylouiseissad, it's not about where you go as much as it is in getting out of your safety zone. The "what ifs" play a part of our fears but we can't allow it to take over our thoughts. As "cmeanonymous" stated, we must persist. I use positive reinforcement in that I will no longer allow anxiety to control me as well as using my "deep breathing" to calm the anxious thoughts.
You will be fine, once you put your body in motion. Have a good day and breathe xx
I completely 100% can relate. I was like that every single day and night before a shift. Getting ready for work, getting dressed, on the way to work, eating before work, i always had anxiety. It's horrible. I hate anxiety.
Stay strong💜
There were times when i tried listening to music while getting dressed for work and listening to the radio on the way there. Maybe eating a little snack that you like to eat before work could calm you down too.
I understand completely ! I've been at my job for 18 years and my co workers are also great ...but still everyday I have anxiety about going in ...and I can't figure out why ! I usually take breaks throughout the day and go in the bathroom and take deep breaths and try to center myself ...it's a struggle
Update: made it through my shift and I survived! I know I have to do it again tomorrow but at least I can remember that I was strong enough today and I’ll be strong enough tomorrow. Thanks for all the responses. It really helps to know I’m not alone in feeling like this. Love to all of you💕
I’ve called in so many times with shame...
I always used to get this when I go to work, it used to get easier once I reach there and get engaged in work
Yes, I can relate too. My work requires me to drive with my personal car to different towns 5 days a week. 10 miles at the most, to see my accounts. In the beginning, it was ok for me and I liked it, not being stuck in one place during my work day. I like my job. But going on almost 2 years my anxiety is getting the best of me. It can get bad when I'm driving to certain places or going to certain accounts. I guess it can get to be the same ole, same ole everyday, and my bad thinking makes my anxiety and fears of be anxious makes me feel worse daily going too and during work. I have to take breaks too, in my car when I feel my anxiety attacks is coming on. I have to slow down my breathing and relax. Listening calm music helps me during my day. It's a battle everyday, some days is good and some very bad. Life is a struggle, work paying our bills, etc. We have think positive to ourselves daily, be mindfulness, distract our mind in a good way. That helps me. The more we do it. Then maybe in the near future our anxiety lessons. Good luck.
Happens to me every day!
Yes i do! Once i get there i tend to relax, and enjoy my day. Also when I'm busy at work it gets my mind off my anxiety.
How are you now?