Been struggling a lot the past month, but I think in the past two weeks, I've come to an all time low and I've been trying to get help, but most things aren't working and I'm only seeing short, temporary spurts where my depression is gone. I need a break from this feeling..
Anyone else have that knot in their s... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone else have that knot in their stomach that doesn't go away with severe depression and anxiety?

I thought I was the only one!
I do. Many of us do I believe from what I’ve read. I have a constant “tummy ache.” It is no fun. I’m used to it though so like all my other crazy symptoms I just try to not respond to it and refocus and keep doing my thing with it. It’s more learning to coexist with things for me because they are there like it or not. Of course we all have good days but mine are far and few between. The more you fight it the worse it will be. Coping skills help but that teaches you to cope with it. Not fight it. To learn to live with it. It can be done. I hope you find a way.
Yeah it's like butterflies, but not in a good way. It's just a nagging feeling and it really brings my mood down. I've heard eating healthy can really bring your mood up, maybe I can do that. I've been eating healthier lately but do eat unhealthy things as well. Some days I'm just not hungry. It's hard to eat when you have no appetite. I know there's no big nutrients in coffee, but I do find that's one thing I look forward to when I wake up, along with my children. So if I can just maybe find things to look forward to later in the day, then I can get past this tummy trouble. I'm sad but also glad to know I'm not alone. I'm glad you've found a way to coexist and live with yours! I hope to accomplish that in the hopefully near future.
You sound exactly like me. I have found if I can get very busy doing something--today I cleaned my back yard and I felt better. In fact better then I have in months as I found I was doing less and taking 2 naps a day. I usually start my day when I wake up immediately thinking of things to make myself sick. I truly can empathize with you.
Hi Kitty,
Sorry you are feeling like you are, it must be tough and exhausting. We all know what that's like and live with some form of what you are describing too, so you are certainly not alone! I can't give you a miracle solution but really encourage you to not neglect yourself. Your body is clearly trying to tell you something and it's no good ignoring it. Are you receiving any help? medication? is this something you have been diagnosed with? Just don't want to take anything for granted Has anything changed or happened recently that would affect your mood or situation? You don't have to share but maybe there is something going on that is pulling you down and stealing your energy. I am in a bad place today too, probably why I logged in here. I am not one to give advice today, so instead i really hope you can find your strength and turn it around. It sounds like you certainly could do with a breather. Take Care!
Yes, I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety. I've been on numerous antidepressants and even an anxiety medication that was just awful. I am getting counseling and seeing a Psychiatrist in a couple weeks. The past month has been really difficult and it's just been one thing after another so I know what the problem is. It's just extremely hard to keep getting past things when it all seems to be going wrong. Just when I think I've got no where to go but up, something else happens and something gets worse. I'm trying to take it one day at a time. Well, more like one hour at a time at this point. As for you, I hope you feel better also. Depression is probably one of the hardest things to deal with, a lot of people just don't understand. Get better soon also!
Thanks! Living with depression is already knackering on a good day and when life throws stuff at you, it can get pretty awful. You seem like a strong person though, you have fought this battle for some time by the sounds of it. But when we are exhausted, even the smallest of things feels like a mountain. I certainly know the feeling. But I absolutely believe that anyone who has gone though the hardships of depression and had to cope with the darkness and the demons, really become the best people. So understanding, non-judgemental and caring. You can see that on this forum too. Total strangers who rally care and share. I really hope things start easing up and you have a chance to regain energy and breathe for a while. Take Care
I also struggle with depression and have for years. It is tough, but not hopeless. I'm glad you are trying therapy and medication. I control mine with meds. That doesn't mean the depression is gone, but the meds help. I agree with Dragontears that those of us with depression do become the best people, sensitive and caring about the needs of others. Hang in there. There is hope.
I'm currently not on any medication for depression. I'm a little worried to be. I know when I go to my psychiatrist, she'll wanna try something. I've just had bad side effects to the majority of them. And I've tried most of them out there. Kind of a hopeless situation. But I do know I can't keep going everyday feeling like this. It's worse then physical pain at this point.
Hello Kitty,
That tummy ache is real, and it isn't. Yes, a better diet and maybe probiotics might help a bit.
Do you meditate? I found it helped me. Also removing toxic situations and people from my life helped.
This area of the body is called your personal power chakra. Not sure if you'd be into that or not, but I did some "suggested mantras" to build up strengthening energy. But I think the probiotics mostly helped. Lol.
Find what works for you.
Best, M
I've been drinking kombucha as I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. And I've been eating a lot healthier. So hoping that works! I have not been able to get into meditation, unfortunately. I've also tried a bunch of different breathing exercises. It just isn't something that works for me 😞
You poor thing. I totally feel the same way! The knot usually goes up into my throat too making it feel like I can't breathe very well. You are stronger than you believe. It's hard and almost impossible sometimes, but you can do it! Talk as much as you can. There are so many people here to support you! Sending hugs your way!
Yeah it's exactly like that. It's just a nagging horrible feeling. I get so overwhelmed I don't know what to do. Today I almost sent myself into a serious anxiety attack. It's just awful. Thank you! I'm trying, a day at a time...
I'm so sorry. I hate when that happens. You think you can't get more upset, but you do, and when you do, you start worrying that you're getting more upset and then it's just a spiral. Praying for you to have some peace.