Hi, everybody, it is me again, well i feel really depressed today, i have cried and i miss my old life.
I think it is gonna be a tough month 'till the end of february cos my ex and i planned to book my flights during this month and go to ireland before february ended. I just remember that and i want to cry. How happy i was gonna be if that would be true. Now i don't have any future nor hopes. He took everything i had with him and now i am so empty.
Some people has told me he loves me but he can't be with someone like me cos i am immature, cos he is 36 and i am 23, and he realised it was a mistake to be with me. I was wondering why they said that.
Just cos i fell in love with a man who is 13 years older than me? why the age has to be a problem if he loves me? is not love something pure that doesn't focus on religion, race, age, sex, so on? why all that has to be so immature?
I wish i could disappear right now, i had everything i wanted and i was completly happy but he broke all the good i had in my heart
What a miserable life i have, i see the days passing but i don't feel better, i don't see any hope.