Happy New Year! I'm new to this group and a little nervous about posting this....I need help and I'm hoping this will get me going in the right direction... my anxiety level finally went through the roof and sent me into a deep depression that I cant seem to snap out of, all I want to do is sleep,bed is my safe place,when I close my eyes and go to sleep there is no stress and I don't have to deal with anything... I started on a low dose of celexa 2 days ago and I'm wondering how long its going to take for me to snap out of this and not feel so tired....any advice how to start feeling better?
just want to sleep 24/7: Happy New Year... - Anxiety and Depre...
just want to sleep 24/7

Maybe try to think of things that make you happy. I'm here for you and welcome to this site!

Thank you so much for replying, makes me feel better,,, I have so much to be thankful for and have so many things that make me happy so I'm not sure what is causing this ,,, I'm here for you too
Happy New Year bkm123, You are doing the right thing in starting to feel better and that is having seen your doctor. Being on Celexa will help but you need to give it time to reach full efficacy levels. While waiting for that to happen, check into talk therapy which will help address the issues causing your high anxiety and deep depression. One works in conjunction with another. Being on the forum will help comfort you in knowing you are not alone. We understand what you are going through and can support you through our own experiences.
There is no magic way to "snap" out of it but with time and patience and following your doctor's orders, you will go forward and get better. We are always here for each other. xx
Thank you Agora1 , this is helping already to have the support and know that I'm not alone,,im so glad that I joined this group and hope that I can help someone else get through this through my experience and am so thankful for you being here for me
Hello, I hope we can help. I understand how you feel as I feel the same way, I look forward to going to bed at night, I take two pills and it shuts the world out for hours. I just bought a new electric blanket, so I snuggle in there and sometimes my 2 cats join me. Let me tell you, you cannot snap out of depression, the brain is messed up the neurotransmitters have gone on the blink, that is one reason to take an antidepressant to get the level up and functioning as needed, and it takes time. I learnt the depression has a beginning, a middle and an end. So it is a slow walk to get the brain back in balance. If you have questions, be sure and ask your Dr. Psychiatrist, or Pharmacist they know a lot about the drugs. I go on line and look up information, and read all I can to educate myself, I have had a faulty brain since birth and suffered thru my life. In 2000 I found out I am Bi-polar 11, something I did not know all those years, so I also take Lithium, it is a mood stabilizer it helps with the depression. I also have severe anxiety and take 3 med's for that. I hope what I have written helps you, we are glad you are here, we will do our best to be of support and help you. I wish for you to get well in 2018 and have a great year once you are balanced. I send you strength, love, peace, Hope, Big hugs A healthy 2018 Sprinkle 1
Thank you for your message Sprinkle1...thank you for sharing with me...I know this is going to take time to feel better,,,im just tired of feeling tired and feel once I get past this point of wanting to sleep I can start to heal but I know that will happen and hopefully soon,,,thank you for reaching out to me and all the best in 2018
Hi, I wonder do you take any supplements? B vitamins are essential any time but especially when depressed etc., B12 is good and should be the subliminal type. Also you need Folic Acid, and Fish oil. I also take calcium cit-rate, E, Zinc, and Probiotics. If you are like me you do not have much of an appetite, so we have to look after our bodies. Try to eat healthy when you do eat, help keep your energy up. Love yourself and be your own best friend. We are here to give you love and support. I am pulling for you, and send love, strength, peace and big hugs. Sprinkle 1
Welcome. You've come to the right place. This group is so supportive - it has been a lifesaver for me. It will take a while for the Celexa to really kick in, but in the meantime I know how you feel! The only thing that works for me when I'm in panic mode (besides my medications), is to stop and just focus on the moment. I ask myself "do I have everything I need for right NOW?" Thinking too far ahead is too much for me. It overwhelms me and just makes the anxiety worse. Then again, sometimes we need to do nothing. I've had my share of "pajama days". I try not to feel guilty. A/D is a real disease, and I tell myself I need the rest. If you can get out a bed and take a shower, put on some comfy lounge clothes, and brew yourself a cup of decaf tea - well, that might make you feel better. in the meantime, we're here for you and remember that you are not alone. Peace to you.
thank you for your message Maxiomargie, I can totally relate to the anxiety of thinking too far ahead will try and just focus on the moment when I'm starting to have a panic attack,calm down and breathe .Joining this group has been so helpful already and has calmed me knowing I'm not alone,,,thank you
There's a very good book to read "Hope
and Help for your Nerves by Claire Weeks. I had anxiety and panic attacks . This book literally cured me of panic attacks . It's a small paperback ...easy read . I didn't think I could concentrate long enough to read anything but I couldn't put this little book down . Although on and off during certain times of my life I still have anxiety I Am able to reduce panic attacks to almost none .. There is help and hope and if your a believer you will get better !!!
Hi, Please do not feel bad about sleeping , sleeping is one of the bodys great healers, this will pass, probably a side affect from your meds!!! Hang in there sister. We love you, I know you are strong in heart, the rest will follow. Love & Hugs, peace too...Sprinkle 1
Thank you Sprinkle 1, your kind words and support are helping more than you will ever know,this is the first time in a week that ive been out of bed for more than a hour, having this support is amazing ,not feeling alone and knowing that someone understands has helped so much already thank you xo
I'm taking folic acid,zinc and fish oil and I will add some of the other ones you mentioned,,, I don't feel like eating but do try and eat healthy but I find that hard to do sometimes,,, thank you so much for the message because I had totally forgotten to take my vitamins today
I've been going through the same thing for about 6 months. I've had depression and anxiety since I was a teen, but the depression really amped up after having post partum depression and actually all through that pregnancy 16 yrs ago. I've had severe anxiety ever since learning of my husband's affair about 3 years ago. anyway this is just awful being exhausted and tired all the time. The dr upped my celexa to 40mg last month and I swear I feel worse. I'm afraid to switch meds for fear of my anxiety getting worse. But think it's time to call the dr again. I've recently read where celexa can cause tiredness and weight gain, which has also been a problem. Sorry to ramble, I'd like to know how you are now, since I see your post is 3 months old. I hope you've found relief.