Hi i met a guy 2 weeks ago in a matrimony site he was residing in sydney we spoke we fell for each other planned for getting married. After 13 days we decided to meet we kissed had a good time. After he went back he told me i led about my height and i had no expectations and said he wont be investing in me. I am shattered i cry every day and night i cannot move on.i love him how will i get him back ? Is No contact applicable ? Next year i have to get married we planned so much now all dreams are shattered . Feeling like ending my life he will marry someone else why not me . Why did he block me in fb then unblocked me.i m so helpless. I msgsd him he didnt reply. What is my fault? Should i end my life ?
Will he come back?: Hi i met a guy... - Anxiety and Depre...
Will he come back?

Thank you for your reply.. i know i am being irrational but it just happened. I cannot forget him. All i m thinking us i shouldn't have met him so early i should have waited.
Oh please, end your life?..thats ridiculous..you simply are not for him..you deserve much better..and there is someone else out there waiting for you..If I didn't break up with previous so called lovers, I wouldn't be with the love of my life now..and you know what, love is nothing like what I thought it was back then..and seriously how can you marry in two weeks..there was something wrong there from the beginning..learn from this experience.

Thank you for your reply and helping me out to get out of it .i truely appreciate it . I m tryng to move on analyse my faults. I eas just a stupid girl who plunged into this i never thought all this would happen.
Your not stupid..it happens to everyone..love is blind..god if I tell you my stories.. one day you will help others too..Just know love will find its way..

Thank you..please help me out here. I m trying to move away from him.. just that he said a lot of promises but at the end i didnt matter .
Well Its not him in this scenario , its about you..you opened your lonely thirsty beautiful longing heart in this case to this particular person..no matter who it was this is what you would've done regardless..He came into your life for a reason, not the same reason you thought of and that's where you are disappointed and now all your insecurities are flowing out..love is beautiful and painful... You felt good giving and sharing your love..that's the beauty you carry..this is where you should focus, the kind of love you have to offer someone because you are genuine...you got reeled in by his false words and promises..you can see it takes more than two weeks to know someone.. you were longing for someone and you felt nice expressing these feeling of yours..you wanted to be happy, in love, but he is not the one..simple ..so hold on to the love you have for someone who deserves it...love comes when you least expect it..

Thank you so much for this reply..i really felt grateful to you..you really understood that i have gone through.. you were right i trusted him more on emotional basis he lost his mom so wanted to care more but i guess my feelings didnt hav any value..and i shouldn't hav met right away..i dont know if there is someone out there for me ..the saddest part is a girl who is full of love becomes a victim and it happened..
A heartfelt thanks to you.. may you get all the love and happiness in your life..
There is someone out there for you and for everyone..thank you for your kind words I wish you the same..

Hi .. i need some help.. yesterday i said sorry to him because i dod lied about my height he said ok. Today he msged me saying how have i bern? I have seen it been hav not replied yet .. what should i do? Wat does it means? He still misses me? He wants ke back? Or nothing? I am so confused right now .. i m in a fix.. my heart Still loves n cares for him but i m just shattered and scared . Pls reply
Well listen..why don't you just reply with a simple I'm good how are you going..
What's your height ? Are you too tall or too short? You know you only knew him for 2 weeks on line you need to.get a reality check ..some guys are just full of it move on .Why are you so desperate to get married?
Basketball players are 7 feet tall. I guarantee you that most of them have very healthy sex lives. That guy is absurd and clueless. Instead of looking for matrimony try looking for a date. Take it slow. Make sure you know everything. There is the perfect person out there for you. Just be patient. 2 weeks does not make a marriage.
Sounds like this person just wanted sex. He is not worth your time, find someone who will treat you like his Queen - and then treat him like your King.
I’m sorry for what you are feeling right now. I know, mine or other’s advice won’t make it any easier.
Feel the pain. Every pain in all part of your heart and soul so that you can live through it.. Sooner or later, you’ll just remember the guy but not the feelings anymore.
Things will get better.
I know what it's like to think you're in love with someone out of loneliness. I think at your core, you know it wasn't love, but maybe a lifeline to help you through whatever you're struggling with. I went through that when I upped and moved across the country to escape my ex. I did the whole online dating thing for awhile and because I knew no one, I "played the field" and held on too tight, I based my self worth on what they thought of me. That changed with time and asvancing my career.
If you're going to do online dating, always meet in very public places, don't let him know where you live or any personal information other than your name until you've known him for months offline. Dont fall for the "I forgot my wallet" excuse, you know they're a user/loser. Finally, always have pepper spray or a taser with you. I was attacked by a guy I met in a bar. He regretted it very quickly. And don't get wasted with him until you know him well or if you have friends who will prevent you from making bad decisions.
Two things I learned about love. You have to be comfortable and confident in your own skin, concentrate on you and what makes you happy. Secondly, it will come when you least expect it. I met my husband when I was 26, right when I was planning another cross country move. I met him online, but we dated for almost 3 years before we got married. Marriage is something you want to do once and the younger you are, the higher the chance of divorce, usually due to infidelity, because neither of you had experienced enough of what life has to offer. Maturity helps a lot.
Oh, and by the way...I'm 5'3 and my husband is 6'5 and the sex is amazing..lol That guy was just a jackass who isn't worth your time or tears. You'll find the right one, but take your time. Concentrate on school or career, hobbies you enjoy. We can tell you're a beautiful person, now you need to start seeing it. I wish you luck and so much happiness. And I'm sorry this is so long..I'm a bit long winded..lol

Thank you maam for your reply this really helped. I know i just a stupid girl who believed each and everything maybe he really loved me .. my height actually was 5 i told him 5'1 but at the end i regret few days back i was soo happy so in love parents were going to get involved n all of a sudden my back luck played he left . I am full of questions and your are absolutely right i just was so happy to give evrything to him blinded in Feelings maybe i still hope maybe one day he will msg me but these are just for now..
You are lucky to find someone you love for a lifetime.. for me i have no one.. i am again in my own .. no one is there.. my heart crumbles tears fall but it's realty.. i am loner again
Stay happy wish you best wishes
You're anything but stupid! He is obviously a loser, not someone you would want after spending time with. It took me a long time to find "the one" and he came into my life when I had already given up on love and relationships.
I've always been a loner, even though I'm married, run a nonprofit and am surrounded by friends, I'm still a loner. Give it time, the more you deal with people, the more you'll enjoy it..haha
Definitely let it out and cry as much as you need to. In time, you will realize that you dodged a bullet. Anyone who would treat you like that is not someone who deserves you. Give yourself that time.

Hi yesterday i felt like apologising because i did lied about my height i said sorry he said okay .
Today he msged me asking how have i been? What does it means? Should i reply him? Does he miss me? Does he wants me back? I am so confused right now .. i just love him do much.
Don't read too much into it. All I can say is try to hold your emotions in check. Regardless of your height, he should've treated you with respect..and he did the opposite. If you feel you need closure, talk to him. Tell him that he hurt you and disrespected you. He's already treated you like crap, you don't want to spend your life that way. A good marriage is hard enough, but a bad one is absolute misery. It's not worth it. I had an ex who I loved wholeheartedly, but he slowly destroyed my self confidence and made me anxious and depressed for years. They can destroy you, don't allow him to do that. You will find the right one, but you have to be patient. You deserve a beautiful, happy life. Before you talk to him, take a serious of deep breaths. Imagine him bald and with a beer belly, breaking wind and asking for dinner. That's what you're most likely gonna get with him.
cool mia,Please don’t think about ending your life! You met only 2 weeks ago? Maybe he is disturbed. It may be a blessing he went away.
Does a marriage site mean you have to get married right away?
This brought you to s depressed
State. Do you have a therapist
And are you on meds? People here are good and will help you.Keep busy, that can help.
I will pray for you.
Thank for helping me out..
Maybe i lied about my height if i tell him sorry will he come back..i wrote sorry too but he didnt reply
You don’t need him to come back. Get away from him as soon as you can and move on. You do. It need someone who treats you like this . There is someone out there that will love you unconditionally. No matter how tall or short you might be 😉
Also, can I ask your age and what country you are in? Different cultures have different societal norms in these matters.
Hi thank you for sharing your comments..i apologised because it was my fault initially i did said i m 5'1 wen i am not exactly it maybe for that he doesn't wants to continue.. but it's just i still care and love him.. i m 31 and i m from india