Has anyone had a panic attack while driving,I have been driving the same route to work for years now after the attact I'm very nervouse.
Driving: Has anyone had a panic attack... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi! Yes i have had a panic attack while driving a car,not once but many times and the only way i overcame this fear was by continuing driving the same road over and over again.
you have to confront that fear that you have and the only way to do it is not avoiding it but facing it ok? I did it and you can do it too!good luck.
Yes! When my anxiety first began getting worse in the early 2000s, one of my very first major panic attacks was driving to work in the middle of the day with minimal traffic. I pulled into a parking lot and called my boss then my Mom and breathed through it. I thought it would never end. They were also bad at night when I would drive home and the roads would be pretty much empty. That's the only time I ever remember feeling like I was in a dream or something, which I think is what they call depersonalization. Once I started on antidepressants, I don't recall having any other episodes while driving, but this anxiety business is such a fickle thing and so very annoying.
Are you on any meds?
Yes, I had my first panic attack driving on the interstate, and I am still afraid to drive long distance alone. I also had panic attacks on the way to work but at that time I had a bad boss. He is now gone, thank goodness!
Yes, had one in going around a roundabout (UK), stopped the car, opened the door and ran. Curled up on the floor and burst into tears, ended up in hospital, very scary.
Thankfully others have been far more mild and managed to overcome them.
Yes. I have had few while driving. Absolutely horrible! It was high traffic and rainy. I was having a full blown attack. 1st thing I did was move into the far right lane, so if I had to pull over, I could easily. I began to take deep breaths, and kept reassuring myself I was going to make it home. Sometimes I have to use my low dose lorazepam when I feel it coming on. So yes, I do know how you feel.
Thanks to all that replied ,I thought I was the only one.