Who suffers from driving anxiety and what techniques have you used in the car to get through?
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Driving anxiety

1. Take a deep breathe
Sit calm and take a minute or two before you start driving to do some deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for a sec and slowly exhale through your mouth. Breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly. Repeat this process ten times.
2. Create a peaceful environment in your car
Switch your cell phone off. Wear comfortable shoes when driving and make sure your car is free of clutter and trash. This may help you overcome that awful sense of rising panic.
3. Have someone with you
Take short trips with someone else in the vehicle with you, to help keep you calm and relaxed. Once you are more confident behind the wheel, you can start taking short trips by yourself.
4. Take gradual steps
Practice first on Sunday mornings, when the traffic is usually at its lightest. Use empty, large parking lots and local roads first, then progress to quiet neighborhood streets.
Practice only when you are not rushed and well rested. Never drive tired.
Take short trips and gradually work your way up to longer drives. The longer you drive, the better.
Drive around the block and don’t be nervous when approaching intersections. Then drive on a main street taking both left and right turns at stop signs and traffic lights.
5. Stay calm
Drive slowly. Let other drivers honk. Don’t allow them to pressure you into going faster and don’t feel intimidated by their arrogance and downright bad manners. Stay confident and don’t speed.
6. Drive in comfortable situations
Drive in low risk driving areas until you feel more comfortable. Avoid congested traffic, highways and nighttime driving in the beginning.
As you become more confident, move to more heavily traveled roads and smaller, quieter highways at less busy time of the day. Gradually expose yourself to inclement weather situations too.
7. Use positive affirmations
Repeating a mantra or a phrase of encouragement can do wonders in helping you overcome your fear of driving. Telling yourself positive affirmations like “I feel safe and confident as I drive”, “I can make this drive safely” and “I am a safe, careful, alert and confident driver” can help you defeat the negative self-talk that is holding you back.
8. Listen to relaxing music
Playing soothing, calming instrumental music at a low volume will help to keep you calm and relaxed while you are driving.
9. Stick with day time driving in the beginning
Avoid driving at night initially. Once you have overcome your fear of driving during the day, then you can start driving after dawn.
10. Be familiar with the signs of anxiety
Learn the symptoms that a panic attack is imminent so that you can get off the road in a safe spot, and avoid putting yourself and other drivers in danger.
If your anxiety is disrupting your life and is more than just about driving, talk to a medical professional.
Thanks for this post . I’m so scared and anxious about driving that I cannot even face learning to drive! But it’s really necessary at the moment!

Just think of the idiots you know who can drive and if they can do it well you certainly can. That's what I used to tell myself when I learnt to drive many years ago.

I get scared too but am back to driving still talking baby steps
Thanks fofor the response! I will definitely start practicing these techniques!
I had a therapist who told me to play a game with license/tag plates. When you see the random letters on a tag- think of words/phrases to go with them. Ex: RJY145 - Really Joyful Yelling was the first thing that popped in my head- and keep doing it. I do it even when I’m not anxious! Focusing on something else helps take my anxiety away.