Have any of you had pack attacks while driving and how did you get through it? I haven't driven in a month . Any tips to get back at it?
Driving: Have any of you had pack... - Anxiety and Depre...

My panick attacks all stemmed from an inner ear issue. I just got tubes put in the on Monday and am feeling some relief from the dizziness I would get. I would get dizzy while driving which would make me panic. This week I have been starting the car and backing it in and out the driveway just to get a feel for it.
I was there. Stopped driving and was completely incapacitated by it. I got back on the drivers seat by making very small local trips (even just to the store). What REALLY was my saving grace was listening to a book on CD while I was driving. It’s called the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Any kind of self help book on CD might be helpful. I’m here if you ever wanna talk.
ALSO, asking for a friend or loved one to drive your car while your in passenger seat might help you slowly get exposure and get back to driving. That’s another thing that helped me. I was in undergrad and had an internship and my friend graciously drove my to my things (have it be someone you trust!) and would pick me up. It helped to be in my own car and not have to be in so much control. I realized the triggers for panic attacks so that was helpful bc it prompted me to learn how to deal with them so panic happened less and when it did, I wasn’t paralyzed.
Sending love. Feel free to reach out to me.
I’ve had panic attacks while driving and it has been overwhelming when they happen. I have about a 45 min commute to work each way and would get anxiety about being stuck in traffic while having a panic attack (that would feel like a heart attack to me). Some things that have helped for me is having someone to call (using Bluetooth) to talk through it while driving. Having a playlist of music that makes me happy (helps keep my mind on something positive) and keeping lavender oil (or other blend) in the car. Before I drive, if I’m starting to feel anxious, these seem to help me.... I’ve also pushed myself to face and accept my anxiety... and remind myself of the small successes I’ve had where despite my intense worry, I was ok, nothing bad happened and I made it... hang in there- there is hope. ❤️