Hi just want to put my symptoms out there and see if anyone is going through the same...
i got told by my doctor i had anxiety about 3 years ago, but i just felt horrible that as all so was easy to cope with. But the past 3 weeks i have gotten really bad!! I keep thinking i am having a stroke or a heart attack because my arms and hands go numb, my head and some parts of my face go numb.. one day this week i was walking to my parents house and i thought i was passing out. i had to hold on to the wall and ihad my son with me it was a real scare i felt like the world was closing in on me! i went straight to a and e and they said that i have bad anxiety and its all in my head its my brain that is making this happen, i am really confused i sit and cry all night most nights and i start to panic and over think something is happening and they have all got it wrong! last night i cried and cried and when i tried to sleep i was worrying shortess of breath, my legs would not stop shaking or my hands and my body was cold! i am really really worried and in a awful state! is anyone else going through this?