I'm curious to get others opionons as something my dad said to me is maybe making a little sense.
He told me, not the reason that I have panic attacks, but the reason I get really bad ones, is because I don't do anything. As in my anxiety is so bad I'm scared to get up half the time. Bascially the way he's explained it was, your heart needs a workout and if you're not up and moving all that built up adrenaline has got to come out sometime. My heart rate gets pretty high with my attacks. I haven't had a bad one in a while, but I had been somewhat normal, going out and doing things, playing in the yard with my kids just whatever. Since this last round of anxiety has made my depression spiral out of control, I lay around all day and night and now my bad attacks have come back. Maybe like built up adrenaline? Always happens right after I fall asleep too.
Does that make sense to anyone? Lol