Hey guys
So I just started receiving treatment for depression about 8 months ago after struggling for many years... I am in therapy and I am on medication that seems to be helping however I am still having panic attacks every now and then.
Just the other day I had one for the first time in a while. I thought I was doing a lot better since I hadn't had one but I broke my streak cause boom out of nowhere I felt like I knew it was coming but I tried to take deep breaths but I was at work very stressed out and the people I was working with weren't making it much easier on me either. Since I'm a waitress, it was hard to stop what I was doing to sit down and try to calm down since we were pretty busy. I walked to the back in tears and told my manager I needed some fresh air and asked him to please watch my table and I would be right back.
I got outside and I was shaking, hyperventilating and I could not hardly catch my breath. I started sobbing which only made it worse and I was trying really hard to pull myself together to go back inside and so I went back inside and people started asking "what's wrong?" and I got choked up again and had to settle myself down again. I was still very shaky and trying my hardest to play it cool at work but as soon as I left for my lunch break all I could do was sit in my car and cry.
I feel awful and I feel stupid that it happened at work ... I was outside sobbing, shaking, trying to catch my breath, feeling like my throat was tight and breathing was difficult and nobody even bothered to come out there to check to see if I was ok ...
I don't really want my coworkers to think I'm being irrational or over dramatic but I tried to explain that it just happens sometimes when I am stressed, feeling under pressure or uncomfortable and when work gets hectic and people are being rude rather than trying to be understanding of me it makes me feel worthless.
I was supposed to go back to work after all of this once I got off break but I called and said I needed to take the night off to try to get it together and relax. I feel like people will probably have something bad to say about me or might even say that I am dramatic, it seems that the people I work with don't care how it makes me feel when they act passive aggressive towards me as if trying to handle depression was hard enough, the last thing I need right now is my work environment to bury me even deeper.
Thanks for listening...