Hey everyone I'm so annoyed at my life ATM I hate my life it's so crap
Bad times : Hey everyone I'm so annoyed... - Anxiety and Depre...
Bad times
Do you want to talk about it?
I've had a blazing argument with my sister I think I've lost my niece and nephew 😭😭😭

I am sorry to hear that.
It may not be as bad as that. I have sisters too and sometimes we can get very hot headed with each other and it just takes a little time for us to calm down. Then we work things out, although my sister does hold a grudge for a while.
Do you have friend or a parent that you could talk through the situation with? Someone who can look at what has happened objectively and give you advise on how this can be resolved.
Take time to let yourself calm down and definitely talk this through with someone. When you do talk about it, try and talk about it without getting too emotional. I have found at times that if I can recall situations without the emotions that helps to work out what to do next.
Take care.
I have deleted her from my Facebook as I can't continue with this stress as well as dealing my my own demons to deal with too I'm better being on my own I'm bad for other people

Do you have someone helping you with your problems?
Sometimes we can get very negative about ourselves and our minds find it easy to give us all the negatives about ourselves and situations.
Learning to over come your problems and definitely learning to be kind to yourself will help.
I had to learn to respect and love myself and see the good things that I do again. It was awful the way I viewed myself. I was in a real self-destruct mode for a while.
You can get through this and give it time with your sister, if you are both having problems that will make things even more tense between you both.
I hope you have someone who can help you with your problems.
Take care.
My mother will take my sisters side as she always does I'm the black sheep of the family

Sorry to hear that.
Get yourself sorted first and then deal with the family issues when you are stronger. Keep everyone informed of your progress as you get better and hopefully they will see how much better you are and then mend the fences.
Don't give up hope on your family. I helped my husband get back in touch with his mother and then the rest of his family when we got together, because he had had a huge row with everyone years before we met.
Take care
hugs .... fighting with family is so tough.... my sister & I can fight like cats & dogs.... yes it feels like my mom takes her side a lot. It's hard to see everything clearly when our anxiety & depression (& stuff) gets caught up in it. Sometimes a time out is needed. It's okay.... you love one another. At least have love for the kids involved.... helpfully she won't let whatever is going on affect those relationships. It wouldn't be fair to them. Family is so important.... help you are feeling a bit better. 💛
Hi sorry for late reply my head has been all over the place I'm sure the change of meds isn't helping this situation with my sister
Hi Adele
Sisters -- such a difficult relationship at times. Mum seemed to favour my eldest sister without a doubt and then my middle sister but I was apparently the spoilt baby!! If I fell out with my sisters I'd always end up apologising because of the nieces and nephews. So much wasted energy and I hated atmospheres! My sisters would never apologise and it would just fester otherwise. I love them both but we're very different and they don't 'do' anxiety and depression!
I hope you get sorted however' best for you.
Good luck Mags x
Hi thanks for reply my sister has mental health issues pnd so she knows what it's like but she is just so nasty to me and she never messages me or calls me it's always me and tbh I've had enough of her and everyone

Is that post natal depression? That would be why she's being difficult. Depression can cause people to cut off and not want to contact anyone, even those they love! Would you encourage her to get some help? and help her with the children? You must do what's right for you but maybe it would help. It's not easy but I think you will sort it and I hope so. x
Hi everyone has told her to go to the doctors but she has it in her head they will take her babies away and that she can deal with it herself I'm at my wits end with her and this argument has been a long time coming and maybe it's for the best we don't speak ?? I do miss my niece and nephew so much but my sister is in the wrong this time not me x
It sounds like a no win situation. I think pnd happens to so many new mums (to different degrees of course) they can't take all the babies away unless they're at risk of harm. Sadly with depression the negative and worst case scenario come to the fore. Perhaps your mum can persuade her to get help or you could write her a note explaining how you feel right now and you'll be able to get your point across without interruption.
I sincerely hope someone manages to talk your sister into getting the help she needs to get well and the children can enjoy being around their auntie. Take care of yourself x
Thank you me too x