There have been a few times when I feel back like my old me. The person who was strong enough to get through everything. The person who always look for something that gives me hope to continue defeating all my obstacles. Those few lapses of good time does not last so much. My depression just gains strength and keeps coming back. I watch everything around me and it is a huge mess. I barely can handle my own life. Almost everything seems pointless.
When I see how much I need to fix just to be a normal person again, I feel worse than stupid. I know what I have to do but I don't feel it.
I cry suddenly just by thinking in all of this, but my head and chest start to ache bad. I would like to feel that sense of relief after a good cry but I can't even do that, because I start to feel physically bad, so I rest a bit to feel better because it seems like I am going to faint or something else.