Hey all. I've never been apart of a group like this, but I'm not really sure what else to do. I'm hoping that talking with people in similar situations will help me feel better. I just had a pretty serious panic attack. It was my second one in just a few weeks. I thought I was having a heart attack... I live alone and I was pretty freaked out.
Anxiety Sucks: Hey all. I've never been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety Sucks

Hello, this is a good place to talk about what's going on with you. Lots of great people here, plus it doesn't cost anything to get your feelings out, and communicate with others in similar situations. I've been in a state of anxiety and depression since Feb. I'm pretty sure there is a core root that is the cause. I just haven't figured out how to kick it totally yet. I think talking about it helps a great deal. Most people will tell you to see your Dr. right away, and that is probably a good idea if you can afford it.
I think that's been my problem, I don't talk to any one, so here I am. It agitates me when people just tell you to go see a doctor... there are other ways. I'm very much into natural health, so seeing a doctor is the last resort for me.
Has this community been really helpful for you?
Yes very helpful. Anxiety makes me feel so alone. I come here when I'm feeling overwhelmed. There always seems to be someone to chat with on here who is going through similar stuff.
Do you know what your having anxiety about?
It's crazy to me what stress does to the body
Yes, it can cause lots of physical problems as well as mental. I wouldn't wish stress, anxiety, or depression on anyone.
I just wish it was recognized as an illness.
I didn't realize I even had an issue until I had my first panic attack last fall
I didn't either until this past Feb, and I am. 53 years old. I went through a little depression back in 2012, but I seemed to get over it pretty quickly. I thought I was home free.
I guess it just creeps up on us
I thought it was actually having a heart attack today... i'm 36. Has that happened to you? Am I even allowed to ask that question? ?
Hi I've had Extreme Anxiety Disorder for all my life.
If there's any advice I can give u or you'd just like to vent then don't hesitate to do so.

I think I'm here to figure that out, lol. Just talk, get advice.. all of it.
Yes they do feel like heart attacks at times.. Its horrible and Si freaking scary! I been admitted to every fl Hosp in my area for thinking and feeling the same exact thing!!
I feel you! I have never thought I was having an actual heart attack but I do feel the chest pains. My wife asking me, "Is your arm tingling? Do you feel dizzy, loss of breath etc." My answer was no, just the chest pain.
Yup but its anxiety it can effect your whole body. Its about the fight or flight it takes blood from certian place and puts tuem in you heart and muscles so it cam run or fight thats why i can effect you sight and brain
I must have missed your last reply, wow this was 6 months ago.
Are you still around JB81?
I have never thought I was having a heat attack. I just couldn’t function because of the uncontrollable shaking from anxiety.
When I was feeling so bad I wished I would just have a heart attack and get it over with. I know that sounds horrible, but when I saw my dr. I felt like she looked down on me because I was having anxiety and depression. If I would have had a heart attack at least I would have been able to get treatment. I didn’t go back to a dr after that.
I’m doing better now. Not fully recovered, but I think I’ve learned how to cope better.
I hope you are well. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Omg yes I agree.. Its like they put a label on us and every time we go to the docs I feel like we aren't taken seriously!😔
Yup i was extremely anxious lije heart palpitations and she said if u dont calm down im sending u to the hospital wich had me more pannicky but i managed it slightly they took an ekg and i was good my heart was helthy but after leaving the docs i felt more confident i wasnt having a heart attack and i calmed down like fifty percent
There's nothing wrong with seeing a doctor. Sometimes overuling some medical issues can be a start.
Sometimes a good doctor won't just say ,"Here's a pill- they will listen and conduct what is necessary to rule out any medical even hidden ones.
You said it! 😒

I hope you're having a good day
Haven't had good friends since the navy. 😕

How long have you been out of the service? Thank you for your service. My late dad was in WW2.

When I look back at my life, I'm not sure I've ever really had good friends... that's depressing just to think about.
Yes, it is. How is your family, and are you in the same area where you grew up? If you do not feel like answering, I understand. I am here. I live in an area where my connections are my great husband and dog. That's it- if you did not grow up here- well - it's pretty provincial if you know what I mean.
Plus I'm on the prowl in need of friends.
You may live alone, but you're not alone. 😏

That is exactly why I joined this group today

I honestly didn't know there were groups out there like this.
I didn't know either.
I found this group by accident a few months ago. I also found some warm lines that I have used from time to time including 1-888-692-9355, and 508-532-2255. I am sure there are more than those , but this is what I found. I too tend to do food, medicines naturally, but sometimes a doctor can do tests if necessary to see what is happening. They can even check thyroid levels etc. I am not in the medical field.
I'm here for ya. 😏
I've had anxiety and panic attacks since I was very young and I'm 37 now. I still have anxiety attacks, but now only have panic attacks when something really horrible happens, like the death of a loved one.
After years of therapy, I've learned a couple of things to prevent it from going too far. I can't let it evolve into a panic attack because I'm bipolar and it sets that off.
Deep breathing and visualization has helped. Basically find somewhere you feel safe and take slow deep breaths. I imagine I'm breathing in light and exhaling the fear, I imagine it as black smoke. But use anything that works for you. There's also the box. Imagine a box or chest in detail, with a big lock in the corner of your mind. When you start to feel fear, imagine locking it in that box. I also find distraction helps if you can catch it early. Then, I have my dogs who calm me.
If you want to figure out why you're anxious, start a journal. Every time you get anxious write down exactly how you feel and what thoughts are going through your mind. I find mellow music helps me focus a little.
I'm on medication, but if you want to go the natural route, try CBD. It's helped me a lot. If you have a choice of the terpines, go for an indica variety. It's very calming. It has no THC so it doesn't make you feel high. Don't get me wrong, I still struggle every day, but these methods are helping me function.
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's horrible.

Thank you so much for sharing. I tried deep breaths and called my cousin to just listen to him talk about anything to be distracted. This was the most serious one I've had, and I didn't know what was happening or what to do really. I really like the box idea. I'm all about the natural route and actually have some CBD. Thank you I hope you had a good day

What are cbd and terpines?
CBD is short for cannabidiol. It's the non psychoactive part of the marijuana plant. Terpines are part of the plant that determines the strain, such as indica which is calming, hybrid which is great for a sense of well being and sativa which gives you energy. It comes in pills, vapes, powders that you can use in drinks or no cook foods. I use them for pain, depression and anxiety, they've allowed me to live a more normal life. I was on 16 pills a day for chronic pain, bipolar depression, anxiety and PTSD, I'm down to 8 because of CBD. They are legal in the US as long as they don't contain greater than .3% THC. I'm not sure of the legislation in other countries, but a quick internet search should tell you.

Where do you ever get something like that? I use 5 htp and gaba, and they have helped with anxiety. So does exercise.
You can get it online, or some local vape stores. I use Veedverks vapes. Veedverks.com They also have isolate which you can use in food or drink.
Amazon has pills and tinctures, but I haven't tried them other than I have my senior dog on Zen Pet CBD tincture for his arthritis. It works well for him.
Hi have you ever tried counselling? I think this could help you. x
He you! Welcome! Anxiety does suck. I haven't had a panic attack in over 4 months but I remember how horrible is was as it woke me up. Yuck. I'm am working on getting over anxiety and it is no fun. Hope you find encouragement in your recovery. The best to you!
Wow, I can't imagine waking up to that Yes, I'm just keeping myself busy with things that make me happy and trying to focus on all of that and for now trying to stay far away from my triggers. I know that hard to do, but that's the short term goal for now... we'll see. Thank you! And I hope 4 months turns into 4 years and so on!!
Thanks! Sounds like you have a good plan! I am interviewing for a full time position this week. I haven't worked a full time job since 2105 and only lasted 4 months and had to go back on disability. The job really wasn't a good fit for me. I am hoping I will succeed this time. I don't want to be on disability for the rest of my life. I had to force myself to stop working in 2011 and hated it but I had to. I struggle with depression too but the anxiety is crap. The job in 2015 was my first attempt to get off of disability permanently so maybe this time it will work out.
One of the biochemical root causes of anxiety/depression/panic is endocrine dysfunction, typically hypothyroidism accompanied by adrenal stress. The keys to getting beyond BigPharma treatments for anxiety (e.g. benzos, a bad idea in the longterm) are: detox, radical diet change, nutritional supplements, hormone support (if your body is no longer able to produce).
Any doctor who feeds you BigPharma drugs like benzos, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, beta blockers, etc. ... but does not take care of the real underlying biochemistry that is causing the problem, and who does not have a long-term plan to fix your biochemistry, is a waste of your time and money.
Yes I know the feeling! I hate all the physical symptoms anxiety has done to me I have struggled with it for over 30 years now it's a day to day struggle I come here to, to vent and get help when I'm just so overwhelmed
Good morning hi my name is Ems and I been struggling with Anxiety since 2004.. So yes 13 years now! But from 2009 to about 2013 I was at my worse admitted to every hospital near me😔 I been fighting in even way possible..tried on my own, wasn't to successful, told my doc and he put me in meds, I have spoken to a therapist and I am also a Christian and that has helped, sometimes listening worship music and a good cry makes me feel better, but when life gets hard my body seems to feel it.. By attacking me with aches pains, weird burning or itching, shortness of breath,tight chest, my face feels numb and heavy so freaking weird😕😕 heartburn, nausea, headaches, dizziness and a horrible feeling of a disconnection from my self!! Horrible feel!! I never realized how strong this disorder can be, but WE MUST PUSH!! WE ARE STRONGER, WE MUST BE!!
BTW...I too have 2 kids and Iam terrified of being alone with them during an episode!! Or being alone period!! 😔😕
I just signed up to this site because anxiety/depression/panic attacks are taking control of my quality of life! I was reading all these posts & just read yours & sounds so similiar to what I’m going through... I too am a Christian, have two kids & experiencing physical symptoms now. As well as fear of being Aline with the kids... as in driving aline with them & what if something happens to me? Like I faint/pass out because dizziness is a big factor in my panic attacks. I did just find outI had an under active thyroid about 8 months ago so they put me on medication for thyroid (which I’ve never taken medication for anything before in mylife). I’m staring to feel like the medication is causing the severity of the anxiety/panic attacks? I also suffer from IBS... which is horrible on top of the anxiety/panic. Being a Christian I feel my faith should be stronger, although I thought it was? The mental battle is so intense that borderline makes you feel crazy
Need the same support people who have not experienced this have no clue what to do or what to say been having mini panick attack been able to breathe depply
deeply and hold gor four sec and slowly breath out ive felt like i was having a heart attack too before i went on meds it lasted tor days the racing heart but it is anxiety it is an anxiety attack we make it worse by starting to think its worse
Um hello there. I’d like to answer your question about my experience with depression and anxiety. For me anxiety was always in the back of my head for unknown reason. Growing up I’ve always felt low especially when kids my age would say mean things I seriously took to heart. I’m not worthy! No one will want me when I’m older! I hated that sad feeling inside me and always kept it half of my head and heart. It opened up once I was in my early 20s when my family took noticed and we’re worried about me, I’d brush it off like nothing not wanting to break down and cry, as I’m a very emotional women even as a small girl. I first saw a psychiatrist few years ago as my parents suggested it’s best for me, which I did for them just to make them happy. I hate seeing the psychiatrist, I don’t want to believe I’m a crazy person, I know I’m not but it’s always good and safe to seek help which I still am, for all my medical conditions I seriously hate having. I know it’s for my own benefit and for my son, so he can know he has a happy mommy beside him. My son knows when I’m depressed which he sees and notices and he just hugs me, kisses me, doesn’t let me go until I’m smiling least or talking to him. My little boy has always been like that even when I was pregnant with him 4 years ago, when I was sad and crying he’d kick me literally. I don’t know if an expectant mother ever experienced that, I surely did though. I want to be better for me and my little boy. I want him to know and see he’ll have a happy wellbeing mother beside him through the good and bad in both of our lives.