Why does anxiety sucks????? I hate having anxiety. Makes my heart beat fast and have really bad chest spasms. Times it gets so bad makes my whole arm ache feels like I'm going to die. Does anyone have any tips for me.
Anxiety sucks : Why does anxiety sucks... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety sucks

Have you seen a doctor about all this?
Hi erinn. When my anxiety kicks in really bad, the only thing that really helps me is the breathing. I didn't really believe in it much at the beggining but once I hit rock bottom I gave everything a try. Then I realised it works for me. Hope it helps..
Why is it feels like I'm going to die at times.
Hi erinn, that feeling that you are going to die at times comes from the Stress Hormone. The more frequently we get stressed or anxious, the longer it takes our body to get back to normal. The adrenaline (flight or flight response) changes the response of many major organs in our body producing that feeling the end is near.
The more we fear it, the more the adrenaline escalates leaving us open to free floating anxiety which can last for hours. Rather than fight the feeling it is so important to accept the sensation as not life threatening and knowing it will pass. With acceptance as well as using deep breathing, you can bring the anxious feeling down within minutes. Finding out what works best for you and practicing it on a daily basis will have you prepared for when an anxious episode arises.
I use Meditation and Deep Breathing daily (3x a day). My "go to" is Youtube whenever stress gets out of control. There are many helpful audio videos that can calm you down in 5-10 minutes. It's a matter of finding what your Mind/Body respond to and then that becomes the key to your success.
I'm glad you found this forum. You will find useful suggestions from others who are going through the same issues with anxiety. Hope this has helped you some. xx
Our brains create many ways to mess with us during times of anxiety, including physical pains. I would see a doctor to make sure it isn't something else, and then see someone to give you the medications and therapy that will help. As with many on this site, it helps to know how so many others are going through the same thing.
Is there any apps or any thing I can do when I feel like I'm going to die. When I have a panic attack I feel like the room is spinning. My heart beats so fast. Also have really bad chest spasms that times it travels down my arm. I get headaches. Times I feel like I'm going to be sick. I want to cry. This is due to many things that I had happen these couple of weeks. One is my friend got in a bad car accident but she's ok. I have a friend on Facebook told her to stop messaging me. Finally I blocked that. Than finally I was dating with a guy that lied & cheated on me. We did fight couple of times. But the last time he was being so mean felt like I was being bullied. He's like I don't care that u hurt yourself. Don't care. I'm with someone else. Than his girlfriend decided to send me a message saying that I'm a bitch & a scumbag which I'm not. So words hurt. I reported both of them on Facebook they shouldn't even be on Facebook. So that's why I have really bad anxiety right now.
First stay off social media for a while. Take that time to go on YouTube and find “anxiety or panic attacks and coping”. You will get some peace just learning about why the body does what it does in times of stress. Than practice what u learn. Inhale deeply and slowly and same with exhale. Tell yourself that it will pass and you’re ok. Just please do this instead of Facebook. Keep all toxic people and thoughts away.
Erin, try the meditation app Headspace. It is excellent and a great way to start meditating. It has a series on anxiety. Also, you’re having panic attacks. You should see a doctor and a therapist. I’d do both - consider Medication to get over the hump but also talk therapy. Sounds like you need to change the type of people you socialize with. Do you have self esteem issues? That may lead you to being with people who take you down. Seek out positive, supportive connnections. Good luck - and being here is a great first step
I haven't been on Facebook all that much. Just been down in the dumps. Not in the mood to go on. Also I did block the three people that was attacking me & the one that I told nicely to stop messaging me so I blocked her too. What Hurts the most is the way he treated me & said nasty things to me. I would never do that to anyone. His girlfriend said that I'm a bitch & scumbag which that hurt too. Plus not to many people know I'm dealing with this. So it feels like I'm alone. I did go to my sister and a few trusted friends.
For the rest of your life there will be people who talk about you or say mean things. They do this because they are unhappy people and finding fault in others makes them feel better. You just need to think, “I hope they find their own peace” and ignore them. When people waste time thinking about others it means they have nothing more important to keep them occupied. What’s most imp is that u love yourself, always be kind and surround yourself with people who love and respect u just as much. You will be ok, I promise. Soon enough u will laugh about this.
Be strong.
I agree!
Few things I do;
•deep breathing •put upbeat music on and let it take your mind to a distracting place •start doing yoga and meditation or you can pick from many on YouTube that have helped me •take a nice long walk •call a friend or family member who is funny and can make you laugh
I get the same I even have it to the point that it's effected my muscles and know I need to see a Ostiopath and massage therapist. I will sit unknowingly with my shoulder up one Because I can't relax and the pain through my arm and chest. One thing that helps me relax is A535. Sounds weird but it for muscle aches so it takes away the tension.
How bout your throat? Does itfeels tight
Is there any way to help relieve chest spams? I'm always uptight very hard to relax especially during a anxiety attack.