I'm lost, I have loved a man for years, had ups and downs like anyone else.We talked and agreed we both would do better.That was 3 yrs.ago.We both have anxiety\depression, and he also has ptsd.We both are prescribed meds.for this, I take mine everyday faithfully and trying to help myself, he won't dare touch his, promises he will start, tells me to bring to him when I take mine, he's in bed when I take mine, we married in May and it's all gone further south now, no concern for his health or mine, knows what I'm going thru and still refuses to try! I can't keep feeling like this with a man I truly loved at one time, What do I do? Leave and divorce or live in a unhappy relatioship? HELP....
I'm lost: I'm lost, I have loved a man... - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm lost

I would sit him down and let him know you have to have a serious conversation. During this conversation I would hit all the main points of concern for you. Also, hear all of his children concerns. Try to see where you guys can compromise.
But at the end of the day. You deserve to be happy and healthy. Maybe if you show him it's possibly he'll join you.
I hope it gets better for you sweetie.
Thank you but I have talked and talked for months, he just turns it around on me.He will not face this with me and do as he promises, when is enough, enough...
And i am saying this because youve mentioned that YOUVE ALREADY TOLD HIM YOUR FEELINGS for months, time and time again. Leaving might change him for a little while but you need to stand your ground until he can love you the way you want to be loved.
From personal experience, staying will destroy you. sounds like it already is.
A partner should do ALL THEY CAN to please the other, COMPROMISE especially when yall are married. This is something sacred that yall made vows to follow on.
And alot of people dont know that theyre suppose to TEACH their partner how to love them and have every right to hold them to it.
He needs to understand this isnt a game. Anxiety/Depression tears familes apart. EVERYTHING should be done to HEAL YOURSELF and mend what needs to be mended ...
and btw, not EVERYTHING needs to be mended. especially unhealthy situations.
And maybe yall will meet again down the line. maybe yall are meant to Grow n Heal SEPARATELY and then combine the new found strengths that youve received.
i wish you the best Beach girl...
I would sit down talk to him about him tell him u will leave him if he Carrys on because ur feeling unhappy and see what happens if he carry on I would leave him because ur trying to help yourself and it won't help being with someone and u ain't happy x