Hi, everyone, I just signed up...55 yr old male with anxiety and ocd and panic attacks like tremors, sweating, and the fear is almost imbarable....from all this I also have heavy depression...
Been dealing with this for 20 yrs and the symptoms worsen as I get older.. part of the reason I had to retire early...
I'm not over weight, about buck fifty small guy.. my anxiety is health phobia.....I over analyze how I feel 24/7......plus I have irratable bowel too...all hand in hand....
I've been to soooo many many classes, over the yrs....through Kaiser in California..but have no positive results.....everything with them is a band aid...never try to help you get to the cause...here try Effexor, Paxil, Zoloft, klonapin, ...I settled on 20mg of Lexapro..the side effects of the other meds was absolutely horrible...I also have Lorazapam when I derail...I know about the cognitive behavior therapy, been through it all at this point....I tend to sit around an cry alone alot...I guess you can call that the self pity part.....
I'm not suicidal ... but this has complete control of my life and always has.....all the mental pain the over thinking and the worst is the fear....this was my wife's suggestion to join and see where this takes me...some doctors tell you it's genetic others say it's from tramatic events...basically they don't freaking know!
No siblings just one aunt left in the US....who's 85 and I look out for her... I don't have good days I just have not so bad days...
My heart goes out to you if you suffer like me, our worst enemies shouldn't be put through this......I also don't do you any good if you wear your heart on your sleeve.......Cheers from the Bay Area....