Hello, My name is christian 46 yrs. old and I am new to this group. I have had anxiety since I was 9. I was born In venezuela. When I was 9 my grandmother who raised me passed. Within 3 months we sold the house and Moved to Newton MA. not speaking the language you can imagine my world was turned upside down. I had much trouble adapting, skipping school, walking out of school during recess etc.
My mom took to me to see someone and I was diagnosed with major anxiety. Through out the yrs. some how it went away. But it never does. My parents got divorced and we moved around a lot in Newton, 6 houses to be exact.
As an adult it gets bad, some attacks last up to 3 hrs. if I can control them they come by as you all know. The over thinking part is the worst. My son's mother and I separated 8 yrs. ago and she was a major trigger so was and still is my brother, as much I as love him he just does not understand and I really don't have any commom ground with his wife. I've deleted a lot of my old friends as they still party like they're 20 yrs. old and some are judgmental. i guess what I'm saying is get rid of the haters and bad ppl.
PPL who don't know about this and you try to explain, just don't get it. I've been taking oxazepam for 3 yrs. now and it helps. I've been aslo working on not caring so much about what other ppl think such as " what are you taking" "you don't need that"........and my response is...ignorance is awful, ask before you judge.
I hope for some positive input from any of you. have a great wknd.