Hi. This is my first time on here or to ever post about my depression and anxiety at all. So for the last 2 months I have been trying to escape from an extremely unsafe situation. My family as well as my ex are very negative and violent people. Yet as each day passes things keep getting worse and I can't help but to feel hopeless. I struggle with suicide and suicidle thoughts. This really upset my friends who are helping and being very supportive. But because I upset them it makes it worse. I don't know how to continue to deal with it all or find a reason to keep living.
Life is becoming hopeless : Hi. This is... - Anxiety and Depre...
Life is becoming hopeless

I am sorry to read of your problems. I would like to encourage you to visit your local doctor as a priority. It seems to me that you have a need to address your mental health (think about some therapy and or meds to relieve the stress you feel) and personal physical safety. Your doctor will have some ideas of what support services are available in your local community and can devise a treatment plan that works for you. Be brave and walk through the door. The journey to recovery begins with the first step!
Please research a 24/7 helpline for your area. When life becomes too much it is great to have the number in your wallet as your safety net.
Wishing you all the best!
Hello there. I am so very sorry you're going through all this.
"So for the last 2 months I have been trying to escape from an extremely unsafe situation."
"I struggle with suicide and suicidle thoughts." See a GP ASAP PLEASE.
If your life and/or personal well-being is at further risk, then I would urge you very strongly to start looking for somewhere else to live as a matter of priority. I don't know where you're from but IF you're in the UK, then perhaps there are government resources open to you. There must be emergency housing that is available to you.
If you have not seen a Dr, then please DO see one. A referral for counselling and meds preferably from a psychiatrist is also a great idea.
Know this: there is ALWAYS hope! Do all you can to NOT lose hope. Start planning for a better future because yes, there is one for YOU friend.
Please continue to post here as often as you need to, k? We will listen, support and encourage you as best we can for as long as you need it.
If however self-harm is a little too over-whelming, then take yourself to the nearest hospital.
Sending prayers, love and sunshine.
God bless.
Please talk to a health care professional. Talking here is good to get through a rough day or night but this has been going on for over a month. People will help and support you. Let them.
You should focus on dealing with the suicidal thoughts before you try to tackle any of the other problems you have there.
If you are in the US, please check yourself into the nearest ER and they will get you to a mental institution where you can begin working on your recovery. Make certain to continue the treatment even after you leave the hospital.
If you have a problem with one drug, there are over a hundred others you can try, and so you have to be involved in the decision-making when it comes to your treatment. You should have a doctor that you can reach 24/7, even if only via email, so you can report problems from taking the prescribed medications.
Focus on that until you believe you are well enough to deal with your life problems, and you will see how much easier life issues are to deal with.
Hello. You have received some replies from people who are very concerned about you and have all offered very good, focused suggestions. You need to go somewhere you are safe first, even if it is a friend's couch for a night or two. But I greatly agree with Kobojunke......Think it is best that you go directly to the hospital ER where you will be physically and mentally safe.
Please write us back and let us know you are out of that house and seeking help for your mind. Call a friend to take you, or the 911 number if you are in the US if you do not have a crisis phone number. Just get to the hospital ER.

Hi I am not to sure where to post so that anyone who kindly responded to my previous post can see this so I am just posting it here. I wanted to say THANK YOU all so much for the care, concern and encouragement. Coming from an physically and emotionally abusive situation, I genuinely means a lot that there are people that, who I don't even know, yet want what is best for me. This gave me the encouragement and strength to leave and stay at a friends house for the time being. Also with everyone's support I finally felt strong enough to open up to her and let her truly know what has been going on and how I have been feeling as well as thinking. My friend called the doctor right away and got me in to see them asap. They started me on celexa and even though I have not yet started to see a huge difference I am taking the steps that I need to help myself. I by no means think that I am better or that the hard part is over. I just wanted to you know that tonight I am safe, that I am starting medication, and hopefully can continue rebuilding my strength that I need to remain mentally and emotionally stable. Thank you so much for everyone's support. 💞
LKennedy1010, I'm so sorry you are in an unsafe situation. Like someone said if you can go to a friends house. If your suicidal thoughts are frightening go to an E R and talk to them. I did that last fall and it was the best thing for me. Are you on any meds or therapy? That would be a good start. Sometimes the right medication and therapy will strengthen you. We have all been there in one way or another. Get away from the unsafe place first. Then work on getting a Dr. And some help. Praying for you. Don't lose hope. It is always there.LD
Hi I am not to sure where to post so that anyone who kindly responded to my previous post can see this so I am just posting it here. I wanted to say THANK YOU all so much for the care, concern and encouragement. Coming from an physically and emotionally abusive situation, I genuinely means a lot that there are people that, who I don't even know, yet want what is best for me. This gave me the encouragement and strength to leave and stay at a friends house for the time being. Also with everyone's support I finally felt strong enough to open up to her and let her truly know what has been going on and how I have been feeling as well as thinking. My friend called the doctor right away and got me in to see them asap. They started me on celexa and even though I have not yet started to see a huge difference I am taking the steps that I need to help myself. I by no means think that I am better or that the hard part is over. I just wanted to you know that tonight I am safe, that I am starting medication, and hopefully can continue rebuilding my strength that I need to remain mentally and emotionally stable. Thank you so much for everyone's support. 💞
Thank you for letting us know how you are and what steps you have taken. We do care and support you.
Know things are difficult now, but will slowly get better for you. Very proud of you that you think you have control.
I feel the same way right now I pray it gets better for you.
I know these feelings you are having. However, I tried suicide 3 times. I woke up each time with no friends or family to help me or encourage me to keep living. I have had to teach and still teaching myself to move forward. First, you have friends that want to help so, that's tells me you are a likeble person. That's a great asset. Maybe your family doesn't realize the extent their negative impact they have. It is a shame that they are violent also. If you are able to define their behaviors that is good. You realize you do not want to be like them. I wish I could tell you to get away but things can b said but not that easy to do. Please take a look at the wonderful qualities you have. All of us were placed here for a reason. Do not lower yourself to their behavior. Try to picture a place you want to be mentally and focus on that. I wish I could help more but remember you are great. Best of luck and try to find positive
Same here,, hopeless ... my ex made my life total bad