Feeling very sad and restless today. Don't feel like studying or doing anything productive. Don't want to go home but don't want to stay at school. I want to avoid everyone but I feel so lonely, craving for some form of human connection. Feel tired, muscles ache and I want to cry by myself.
Sadness: Feeling very sad and restless... - Anxiety and Depre...

One of them days, just do what feels right. Try to do something that will make SMILE AN LAUGH! if all else fails come to Hawaii. Lol HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY. IT WILL GET BETTER !!
Hi, I'm sorry you're having a tough day. It's so difficult when you can't get away from yourself and your mind is spinning so many different feelings. I describe it as feeling lost.
This is how I feel almost every day of my life. Last night I broke down into tears and just cried for a straight hour. It makes you feel so hopeless and like nothing will ever get better. I'm constantly depressed and in a state of panic. Message me directly and we can talk about our problems and try to get through it together
Hey! The past couple of days have been absolutely horrendous, especially mornings are very difficult for me and I stay up all night (like now). I guess watching videos on youtube and letting my mind run free work for me, what have you tried to make yourself feel better?
Go do something you enjoy for an hour or so to get your focus back. Get a coffee, go to a bookstore, etc. Sometimes changing up your routine can really help.
I agree, I should leave the house more often. Any advice on how to sleep on time without the help of supplements? That's my biggest challenge right now and I'm a student, I NEED SLEEP