Hi! I'm new here and I'm 16 years old. I have been struggling anxiety since I was 9. I deal with it more now in social settings and go out of my way to avoid interactions with people. I've had depression since around November. I'm currently taking Lexapro and have been for several years. I recently just started therapy again and she suggests I try a new medication, but I can't change medications without my parent's approval. They know about the anxiety, but they're not the most understanding. They ask each other "Why is she like this?" and it's embarrassing because they act like it is something I chose to be. They always request a reason for being nervous and I'm afraid when I tell them about the depression they'll need a reason for my sadness. I know that my depression is probably caused by my anxiety, but I don't know how to stop feeling this way. Lately, I've thought a lot about killing myself and I know that I probably won't, but the thoughts are still there all of the time. I know it's a way out of this pain. My friends aren't very supportive either and most of them probably wouldn't care if I existed or not, so I decided to join this support group because I feel like I'm living through this alone. As for the anxiety side of things, I deal with it more now through day to day scenarios and school is hard because people are so judgmental and I'm paranoid. I also worry a lot about my grades and my plans after high school.
My therapist is giving me 2 weeks to tell my mom about the depression. What would be the best way to do that?