I'm 22 most people are probably thinking oh she is still young she will get over it well maybe but right now I can't see anything but a dark hole. 17 2 weeks before Christmas my mother finds a lump on her shoulder it ended up being stage 4 lung cancer she already suffered chrones disease. 2012 senior year taking care of my mother she died 2 weeks a before I graduated. The night before she died she asked me lay with her in the hosptial bed but I told her I didn't want to break it. I regret it. Two weeks after we burry my mother my father becomes a crack addict and turns my home into a whore house basically. Not shorly down the road my father puts a gun to my head. Run away to other family. 2014 I watched my father died major heat attack. 2015 I'm happy I'm in love 2016 I'm in love with someone who has been apart of my life since I was 7 we decide to move in...I find out he has been cheating with a co worker....
People calling you names rumors being started on why things happened friends turning people I only had left leaving. I felt alone and took pills and slit my wrist ended up in the hospital.
Come home to think I couldn't change but it gets worse every day making fun of me because I have picked up some wait or because I have depression at this point I don't even know what to do or if anything is even worth it. My self esteem is shot I don't even know what a date is of going out with the girls. Medical bills in collections and other bills being due. College was a idea but how can that even happen anymore.