The past few years I had been getting better with the help of anti depressants. But on Friday evening my dad was killed. I had finally been going out of the house and meeting new people. And now this.. I'm falling back into old ways. I'm finding it hard to go out. This has put my at the beginning again. I don't have motivation anymore. I know I need to keep my mind busy, but I can't seem to do it anymore. Not when my mind wonders to him.. does anyone have any advise? Because I just know I'll fall straight back into my depression. It's the last thing he would want. We both had just began to make progress too. I can't seem to talk to anyone about this anymore. Please help?
A major set back.: The past few years I... - Anxiety and Depre...
A major set back.
Dear Jessi, I'm so, so sorry to hear about your dad. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. It sounds like you are making amazing progress in your depression journey; depression can feel a lot like grief. By all means, this is a safe place to share your feelings, and I hope you'll be comfortable to share you load here.
As far as advice, when I get really, really down on myself, nothing makes it "good", but a lot of things make it "better". My top five favorites are: hot drinks (avoid alcohol, though), hot showers/baths, long cuddle sessions with pets/SOs, & sitting in the sunlight. When I'm really not feeling good, I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet; when you're ready to talk, I think that's always a good idea.
Oh no, I am so sorry, and I cannot imagine what you are going through.
I am sorry for your loss. This is a very emotional time for you- so you need to be compassionate with yourself. It is OK to feel strong emotions after something this dramatic. With time, things will get back in balance again. Try to stay positive.