Hello. I'm new here but not new to anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts. I first realized that I had some problems when I graduated from high school. On the night of my graduation, after all the pomp and circumstance was over, all my friends were celebrating with other friends and their families, but not me. I drove around recklessly until the wee hours of the morning sobbing and wishing I could die. I felt that nobody loved me and that I was unworthy of being loved. Nothing had happened to trigger the panic attack and nobody even knew I was alone and driving and feeling so hopeless. My family thought I was with my friends and my friends thought I was with my family. I have never told anyone about that night until now. It was the beginning of my future dealing with these horrible feelings of hopelessness followed by manic periods of reckless spending and behavior. I might have even had this my whole life and just realized at that very moment, on graduation night, at age 17, that I was suffering from depression, anxiety and had a bipolar disorder. Now, at age 46, I still suffer from these conditions and am still seeking help and support, from faithfully taking my meds to finding this group.
Anyway, as time progresses in this support group, I hope to be able to share more of my story with you all and hopefully find some peace in this storm called depression.