Hello - I am a member of Healthunlocked's Thyroid UK forum. I am assuming that there are some people here who are unaware that the state of the endocrine system (esp. thyroid and adrenals) has a powerful influence on whether you experience anxiety, depression, and/or panic. I am aware of this because my thyroid and adrenals collapsed due to Hashimoto's autoimmunity triggered by celiac enteropathy, I had a major psychotic break, and it took *forever* to get things diagnosed and corrected. During my illness, I learned some surprising things:
1) Sometimes it takes an ND to get a correct diagnosis. MDs were worthless in my case.
2) Most MDs are not good at nutritional problems, although nutrient deficiencies have a powerful effect on how your adrenals and thyroid work.
3) The best diagnosis of adrenal level and rhythm problems is via saliva test. Most MDs do not do adrenal testing, perhaps with exception of the 24-hour urine cortisol test. No MD ever noticed that one of the major effects of my long bout with celiac/leaky gut/endocrine issues, was low blood protein.
4) Standard diagnosis and treatment of thyroid problems, as done by an MD, centers around the TSH test and treatment with T4 (thyroid storage hormone). This style of treatment is often inadequate, and has a history of leaving millions of people under-treated and miserable.
So I hope that those of you who have NOT had vigorous endocrine evaluation, will realize how important it is! AND, remember that standard Big Pharma drugs are not a solution, if your gut is damaged and your hormones have gone south.