Today I'm Talking About Adrenal Burnout - Anxiety and Depre...

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Today I'm Talking About Adrenal Burnout

JEG325 profile image
25 Replies

Your Adrenal glands are two small glands that sit atop your kidneys. They release stress related and sexual hormones for your body. When everything is fine you have even energy levels throughout the day, your mood is even keeled and you handle stress just fine. But, when they malfunction all sorts of problems occur. Adrenal burnout isn't acknowledged in the conventional medical field because it's not a disorder that they can prescribe a drug for. And that's how our medical system works today. (That last sentence was a direct quote.).....For starters, here are 14 major sympoms of adrenal burnout: Fatigue all day long, unexplained weight gain, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, salt or sugar cravings, a noticaeable energy crash around 3pm each day, increased sickness, i.e., colds and flu, brain fog, irritability and constantly feeling frazzled, insomnia (especially waking up around 4am and not being able to go back to sleep), ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, pms & hot flashes associated with menopause & an inability to focus. But, don't panic and go off the deep end and automatically assume that you have this problem! On the other hand, adrenal burnout is a much more common problem then we're led to believe. So, how do you treat this fairly serious problem? Well, you have to go to a specialist. 99.9% of general doctors either ignore it or have no idea how to treat it at all. There are 4 stages of adrenal burnout. Stages 3 & 4 are severe and can be life-threatening. So, what causes adrenal burnout? Here are the facts, ma'am: 95% of all adrenal problems are related to emotional stress. (Been there, done that) Stress is the main cause of imbalances in the body (another quote). Diet is a trigger mechanism too. Too nuch processed food, junk food, caffeine and sweet stuff can ruin your life. Not eating enough or getting enough vitamins out of your food is a problem too. (Of course eating too much is a problem). Pain and chronic inflammation is another problem. Lack of sleep! Get your 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night! Digestive infections such as h. pylori (the main cause of ulcers), yeast & fungal infections, parasites & SIBO (?) are also prolems. Any autoimmune disorder will increase your stress too. This is a part 1. I will go through the 4 stages briefly, explain how you can help treat this problem, including the best holistic items for certain symptoms and give you the latest cutting edge info if you want it. If a part 2 is important to you, let me know.

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JEG325 profile image
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25 Replies
faithfulC profile image

Thank you JEG325 for the info. I have suffered adrenal burnout for many, many years but could not afford to keep going to the holistic doctor or purchase the supplements. I hope to one day start back going to the Holistic Center once I get a job. I am very interested in reading parts 2-4. This is very useful information that everyone should know about.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to faithfulC

Thank you. It's only a 2 part post. Stages 1 & 2 can be managed or treated with diet, lifestyle changes & holistic medicines. Stages 3 & 4 are serious and require a super good specialist to help you. What I fear is tthat many people dignosed with anxiety, depression and panic attacks are actually victims to this insidiuos syndrome. If I get enough requests I will post the other part later today.

faithfulC profile image
faithfulC in reply to JEG325

Thank you.

RiderontheStorm profile image

I recognize those symptoms and it correlates with GAD which I have had for years. Yes, trying to slow the effects by decreasing stress and living authentically.

hypercat54 profile image

Very useful info JEG. This is readily available on the web but it is good to bring it to our attention. It is requested in the community guidelines that you also include the link where possible that you got your info from so we can read more about it if we wish. x

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to hypercat54

The link is from Healthy Holistic Living: 14 Warning Signs Your Adrenals Are Burnt Out & What To Do To Fix Them.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to JEG325

Can you put the link on? x

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to hypercat54

I have no idea how to do that. But, if you google 14 Warning Signs Your Adrenals Are Burnt Out it should come right up. Oh, the actual link is: https.// It is cached.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to JEG325

Is it this one? Not sure how reputable it is as there are a lot of sites like this. I prefer to stick to the NHS and similiar. x

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to hypercat54

No. The top of the page says Healthy Holistic Living. The site is quite reputable.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to JEG325

Ok then go into the site. Right click on the address bar at the top of the page. Go to where you want to post the link and right click again. This will bring the link up. x

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to JEG325

How do you know it it? Not being funny but there are a myriad of sites on the net saying different things and many of them are also trying to sell you stuff too. I don't know if you are in the UK or not but it could be akin to believing the stuff the Daily Mail newspaper prints!

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to hypercat54

Nope I'm in the US. First I read a lot on the problem, I mean as many as 15 or 20 sites. Once I get a consensus of what everyone is saying then I find a single site that embodies as much oof the general info as possible. I have personal experience with this problem having had it about 15 years ago and making a full recovery. I was treated by a progressive doctor that used herbs and vitamins, Though it took 2 years, I made a full recovery. I am never gonna pring bogus info because I would rather die than actually hurt someone. I stick close to the things I already know something about so, I will know better than to print bogus info. I have more than 20 years experience in studying and researching the holistic field of treatments. Many of the nutritonal substances I mention, I have taken myself. I repeat, I am only hear to help!

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to hypercat54

Yes, Hypercat, people have to be very careful with internet sites. They are often trying to sell something, even if only subscriptions to a newsletter. Even reputable sites can be confusing and frightening. In the US, I think the most reputable site is the Mayo Clinic or sites run by major teaching hospitals.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to b1b1b1

No, neither of you are right, at least not completely. Mayo Clinic & Web MD are so biased against holistic medicine that it's beyond sad. They are only for drugs-drugs-and more drugs. Think this question over carefuly. Has anyone ever got sick for a first time from a deficiency of drugs?! Why does our own corrupt US government define disease as a being caused by lack of proper nutrients? If such is the case, then shouldn't we be replacing those missing nutrients and not pumping massive doses of poison into ourselves? I will continue to offer a holistic point of view about everything I have personal knowledge about. The info will not be bogus and I will continue to stress that this info be used logically and safely, the way it was ment. Wake up world! If you believe in God, he even says he put the plants out there to be used as medicine. I didn't see him planting a drug tree anywhere! Seriously, go see your doctor when you have to but, don't shut out God and nature. They can both cure a lot more than you think.

Thanks for sharing this Jeg..interesting


JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to

Yes, but do want part 2?

in reply to JEG325

Sorry Jeg, Yes I would be interested , I’ve not heard of this before.

Thanks so much x

Sugarbear99 profile image

Hello yes very interested , have done the saliva tests and also suffer from the condition , was taking the homeopath and seen conciderable improvement but , can not afford the product anymore as am a single mother of one daughter still at home . Please if u have a more economical approach to this would greatly apreciate it 😊

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to Sugarbear99

Going to eat lunch right now, I will consider and give it my best shot when I return in a little while. Be right back....

sheila1kerry profile image

I think you are providing a valuable service with your posts. I understand how our “big pharma system” works as well and sadly i do not have your knowledge on the alternatives. I have COPD and also agoraphobia . Steroids are the main thing i worry about taking but when i have an exacerbation i have to take them even though i hate the awful side effects.

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to sheila1kerry

There are natural alternatives for COPD too. Agoraphobia is a bit more difficult but, I could find something to help. Never believe that drugs are the be all, end all to any disorder or disease. Let me know if you want this info and I will post it here in this segment. Thanks for your interest.

sheila1kerry profile image
sheila1kerry in reply to JEG325

Thank you for responding, i am very interested in what you have to offer. It is clear to me that you have done loads of research. Sadly another side effect of all my medications is brain fog. Now after i read a page or two by the time i get to the third page i cannot remember pages one or two.

Luckily my nephew Liam has a great interest in alternative medicines so he can explain it all to me so my poor brain does not get too frazzled. You can private message me any time whichever suits you. . X

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to sheila1kerry

Will do. Incredibly busy right now. Would you believe I had 26 messages to reply to this morning? I appreciate yor interest and I wil PM ypu as soon a I get it looked up. I really appreciate your interest in the matter. A kazillion thank you hugs for not letting 'big phama' hoodwink you!

JEG325 profile image
JEG325 in reply to sheila1kerry

For COPD, vitamin D is critical. You should be tested for your level of D by a doctor. Up to 70% of all Americans may be deficient in vitamin D. Usually if your D is off, so is your magnesium & potassium. Both are critical to you breathing also. I take prescription potassium & Vit D. My doctor insists that I take magnesium too. Just these 3 things could improve your breathing 40 to 60%!! Magnesium is a natural bronchio-dilator and eases breathing within 15 to 30 minutes of taking it. But, you must use the citrate form for better absorption in your body. The oxide form is useless! I suggest Naturemade Magnesium Citrate in the 125mg form.It is available at Kroger, buy one get one free for about $13.50. That will get you 120 large purple gelcaps! I take 3 per day including one before bed because it's also a natural sleep enhancer. Speaking of which, the hormone Melatonin, a widely used alternative sleeping aid has been found quite effective in helping to reduce the stress placed on the body bythose suffering from this problem. 3 mgs of it with 125mgs of magnesium citrate will ease your breathing, relax you and help you sleep. Just don't take melatonin contiuously because you can damage your body's ability to produce this wonderful hormone. It's aces for occasional use though. I wish you good health!

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