Well here it goes...I joined this group hoping to find people I can talk to when times are tough. I can't really talk to anyone because even my own family don't get me and they go telling other people my problems. I wish I just had someone to talk to that wouldn't judge or go blabbing their mouths to people. I'm a 26 year old, mom of a 3 year old, who works full-time and is constantly busy. I love my son soooo much and without him idk if I would still be here. So when i get really depressed and just want to be in bed all day... I need someone to talk to to get me out of the slumps because I have my 3 year old to tend to and I feel horrible making him play by himself just because I'm sad. But those times are so hard that idk what to do. I even yell at him for no reason then feel horrible about it after. He deserves a happy mom who gives him the world. People around me don't really know I have depression because I hide it as much as I can. I also want to be in this group to help others like me because no one should go through being sad alone. Everyone is special and shouldn't feel worthless. Even when everything is going wrong around you.