Hey everyone I hope everyone is doing well. I'm just here venting my emotions about me tired of feeling single and alone. I see everybody around me with someone and I'm happy for them but I do also get a little jealous, I have no self esteem, no confidence, I feel invisible to everyone, I don't matter and I think who would want a guy like me who is ok looking I guess idk and has severe social anxiety.... I know my little rant doesn't really matter compared to other stuff people is suffering with and I pray for them. I'm sorry just this is how I feel sitting in the back of my mind all day, every day, I'm just trying to find away to cope with the loneliness, even if I'm doing a stupid little silly rant. Thanks for listening to my rant. I know it's dumb honestly. Sorry.
Hey There Again loneliness..... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hey There Again loneliness.....

it’s ok bruh, I understand. I get feeling lonely I get feeling invisible all of that I understand. I am 85percent burned all over my body with 3rd degree burns with some scars on my jaw line. As far as feeling better what I did and said to my self was “If they can’t except the way I am then they can go fuck themselves.” That’s step one
Second step learn to love yourself again
Step three change your old and enter a new version of yourself. Grow your hair . Get a hair cut. Grow a beard or something that’s show dedication to yourself and others will see that and what to know who are . This worked for me not sure if that bro. But I read your post and felt I should share . Unfortunately my battles are not with looks anymore but more or less beating this damn bipolar and all the bullshit that follows.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. I'm glad you find a positive way to love yourself, much respect. But yeah I'm sorry about the bipolar I hope in time you can better manage it, I still have my ongoing fight with my severe anxiety. It's tough to keep fighting these mental disorders but we gotta keep fighting and hope things get better in time, easier Said then done believe me I know. But I keep fighting anxiety for whatever it's worth. Thanks for responding I appreciate that. 🙏
I know you must feel down to post on here. I am sorry you are feeling so low. Whatever you think about yourself it’s not true because you are exactly the way God wants you to be. His timing is perfect and he gives what you need not what you want. From your photo l see you are very handsome. Somewhere out there is someone for you in God’s plan. Don’t give up asking. It is worth the wait for the right person. He knows your loneliness. Ask him for his strength and courage to help you meet that special person, who is out there waiting for you who is lonely like you. Other people may seem ok to you, but we all have our weaknesses and faults. I have high anxiety but hide it well. I can come across as confident but l am screaming and shaking inside. When you look at others, don’t compare yourself. They may be worse than you and l think everyone would be able to understand what it is to be shy to some extent. Hope l have not babbled on too much but you deserve to be happy. God bless
Your right I know. I do trust God's timing an as some people get impatient waiting awhile, I do too. It's tough but thank you so much for the kind words.Your words mean a lot. Thanks.
God Bless you! 🙏
Thank you for the kinds. I'm always trying little by little to improve and be stronger but at times I feel it's for nothing because "I'm like who is gonna care about me?" I have doubts about myself but keep trying to better, but the struggle is tough. But thank you for responding!
Thank you but I still have my issues that makes me hate myself at times so it's hard. But thank you for those nice words. 🙏
I completely understand how you feel and it seems other people don’t understand. I guess that’s a good thing they can’t see how bad my social anxiety really is and how hard I am on myself. Sometimes I don’t feel good enough either and a lot of it is my self esteem and my social anxiety. I feel lonely most of the time but it’s hard for me to be social bc of my anxiety. I have been hurt in so many past relationships im scared to even open myself up to anyone. It’s hard to see everyone else seeming to carry on with such normal lives and you wish for one day you could just be normal or live without anxiety. Just know you are enough and there is someone out there for you ❤️ we have to stop being so hard on ourselves.