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Atrial Fibrillation Support

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All posts for June 2014

Flecainide Acetate after ablation not controling rythm

3 weeks after ablation procedure have experienced a lot of pauses between beats....
TonyPan profile image

So- ablation for paroxysmal AF. Realistically, how likely is it to work and how long could I be symptom and drug free if it is successful?

I know the answer is probably 'how long is a piece of string?' But I just want t...
TheScottie profile image

Aspirin and atrial fibrillation

Hi all Channel 5 News are looking to interview someone with AF who is currently ...
mumknowsbest profile image
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Atrial fibrillation 15 years ago - differences from today.

Just around the turn of the Millennium, a work colleague used to get us to feel ...
Tobw profile image

I have been put on bisoprosol 2.5 mg for perm AF. Looked on couple of sites and some people moan about side effects. Is anyone on it and if

so are side effect common or not. Any tips about time of taking etc. Thanks. Ge...
gateman profile image

I had a catheter ablation at the beginning of June last year for AF ,AT and atrial flutter . I had a follow up at 3 months and 6 months.

Is that it? Or should I expect other check ups ? I only ask because my local hos...
feejbee profile image

Is Cardioversion always the answer

Hi everyone! Still waiting for my ablation (6 months since I saw the EP now) and...

Live in Birmingham and want to help support education around the importance of appropriate AF care and treatment?

Please help raise awareness of AF and appropriate treatment. AF Association is ...

West Country Cell Lunch.

HI gang, it must be that time again already! Usual place . The DIggers Rest Wood...
BobD profile image

The perception of af

Do you think the perception og af has chsnged over the last frw years? When i w...
davegm profile image

What to take for a headache

I was just wondering what you take for a headache. Yesterday I had a sinus head...
barbm profile image

Anyone get a short afib, PAC, or PVC after sneeze, cough, burp or large swallow of food or drink ?

I had an ablation back in April and thought that I would be feeling 100% by now but I am still getting breathlessness and now have an hiatus

has anybody else experienced these problems
yorkieman profile image

Testing for Magnesium deficiency? Blood test not good enough.

Apparently, a simple blood test isn’t an accurate indicator of magnesium present...
onezone profile image

Anybody out there on or been on 200mg of Flecainide/day for Lone PAF? How long before serious side effects?

Flecainide has worked well for 2 months but is it accumulating or changing an ot...
Hidden profile image

How worried/afraid should I be since I have been forced to abruptly stop Xarelto through no fault of my own?

I can't tolerate warfarin so my hematologist gave me Xarelto because I have a lo...
THEUNIQUELDY profile image

2 year anniversary

I am coming up on my 2 year anniversary of my first and only attack of this nast...
Ricklong profile image

Please help raise awareness of AF and appropriate treatment

AF Association is seeking a willing and supportive spokesperson for a TV piece o...

Can anyone recommend easy on line meditation techniques as I will need something to help in the period waiting for ablation date?

dedeottie profile image

Is AF classed as a disability?

I'm under scrutiny at work with regard to sickness surrounding my AF and the lea...
Loo53 profile image

One week after ablation

Hi all One week on and feeling fine following my ablation. Only one thing is th...
Steve_D profile image

Still getting af attacks after ablation

I had 6 years in nsr after my first ablation, but after my second ablation 9wks ...
Kaiser78 profile image

Would appreciate any experiences or info from anyone who has had ablation procedures for flutter and fibrillation at the same time.

Saw my cardiologist today for a follow -up after 72 hour holter monitor and ultr...
Scorer profile image

Warfarin and INR too high

I need help and advice please. My INR has been fairly constant for the past eigh...
wpw62 profile image

I had ablation on monday

Just wanted to introduce myself as i would like to share my ablation experience ...
davegm profile image

Af 9 weeks after ablation

I had 6 years in nsr after my first ablation, but after my second ablation 9wks ...
Kaiser78 profile image

I Can't take anti- coagulants as I had a brain- bleed last year following taking Warfarin. Does anyone have any info or dietary advice

That I could follow to help clot prevention? I have paroxysmal AF and am awaitin...
SuzieA profile image

Hello, AWOL long time! Update & questions?

Few weeks ago my cardiologist prescribed Amioderone, saying it would increase th...
Bev999 profile image

I'm set to get a pacemaker next week, what lifestyle changes will I experience once I have it?

robcleaton profile image

Retail offer of Blood Pressure Monitor.

From Thursday 12th of June Lidl is selling Speaking Blood Pressure Monitors for ...
jennydog profile image