has anybody else experienced these problems
I had an ablation back in April and t... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I had an ablation back in April and thought that I would be feeling 100% by now but I am still getting breathlessness and now have an hiatus

Hi Yorkieman, It is still quite early days you know. Three months minimum before the heart settles down from the procedure. If you mean that you have a hiatus hernia then I don't know that this is anything to do with the ablation . You should talk to your contact at the hospital where your ablation was performed. Do you have access to an arrhythmia nurse specialist? How is your rhythm now is it all OK in NSR or are you getting AF events.?

I agree with Bob it is still very early days, so try and relax
My ablation was on the 4th April, and I am certainly not 100%. I am still breathless when I climb the stairs, and I need to lie down for a few hours every day. I have indigestion and a lot of burping. One recent episode of Afib after a severe head cold and and a long walk. I think I will just have to be patient.
Sorry to hear of your difficulties. Are you on any meds?
I had my 2nd ablation on 5th March, although much, much better I am still breathless climbing more than 1flight of stairs or going up any incline. Some days I am almost back to 100 % and others still need a rest during the day. I am still on the meds Flec & Bisoprolol so believe some of that is from their effects. No digestive problems though.
Hi yorkieman,I was diagnosed October 2012 with AF hiatus hernia and a duerdenal ulcer.I had a pacemaker fit last June and an ablation last August and it took at least 4 months for things to settle down but even now i get a tight or bloating feeling in the middle of my chest,some times it,s very uncomfortable but my GP has tested my pulse and heart and said everything seems fine with those,but a lot of problems are caused with digestion acid stomach etc.and some on here have said pro-biotic tablets work I havent tried them myself yet but might do shortly.If you are on beta blockers(bisoprolol) or such like these can cause a bit of breathlessness but give it a while longer and things should get better.good luck Graham

Thanks it so nice to realise that I am not the only one with these problems it somehow weirdly comforting Alan
I'm very reassured by reading all this. I'm just over 3 weeks post ablation now and still getting a few blips. I also find it quite hard that everyone around me assumes I'm all hunky dory now - people don't seem to get the long recovery time from ablation.
Thanks, iris.