Hi my dad was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in Oct 2021. With Mets to spine, lungs, liver. He is 85.
His PSA was 5000. (Today 28 months later his PSA is 0.031 and still dropping) He was told at the time he had 2 months to live. He had spinal surgery the morning after being diagnosed because of a tumour on his thoracic spine. 1 month later he had 3 radiation treatments. He did not have chemo. He was paralyzed. Told he would never walk again. Also Mets to the liver and lungs.
He’s been on daily Abiraterone 1000 and prednisone 5 mgs and ELIGARD shot every 6 months. Also supplements high doses Curcumin, c60, garlic, ionic calcium, Vit D, and more and THC/CBD. He eats a very clean 95% whole foods diet. Mediterranean diet. My dad has tremendous faith in God.
After 2 months dad began to walk with a walker. 3 months after that he was back to gardening. We sent all caregivers home, the bedlift went back the wheelchair was returned. He did some rehab asap after surgery. He’s still walking. And was scrubbing the front and back decks at the house this week. All doctors are surprised. His GP says “you’re dad has surprised us all.”
Last week the oncologist called . He says my dad is remarkable. He is shocked at his recovery. He said your dads PSA is at 0.031 and is still dropping. The PSA has been consistently low for almost 2 years. He said your dad had a really bad cancer and to keep doing whatever we were doing at home. He also changed their appts from every 3 months to 6 months and labwork from every month to every 3 months. He has also said the CT scan from a few months ago does not show anything in lungs and just the tiniest of one speck in liver that they would do nothing about.
I’m grateful for each day.
There is hope. There is a healing path. Everyone’s journey is unique.
Keep the faith.
All the best.