Synopsis: my Dad was doing well on bicalutimide and Lupron, then did a walking tour in May, which left him very fatigued and set him way back. He had his 1st docetaxel treatment last week, 2nd Lupron shot yesterday. He is now off the bicalutimide. PSA was 150 at dx, 30 in April, 22 now.
My Dad met with his oncologist yesterday and his latest results show that the cancer has now metastasized to his liver. The onco said straight up that he will give my Dad 2 more docetaxel treatments and see what happens. If they don't help, he will recommend hospice. I'm just blindsided and kind of lost. My Dad is optimistic, which is good. But I'm so confused as to what is happening and why this is getting worse so fast.
Question: does the worsening of the cancer coupled with the PSA continuing to drop mean castrate-resistance? Or is there some other category that combination of events falls into?
Dr. Kim's office at Yale finally called but my Dad is saying he doesn't think he has the energy to go there. I keep telling him he needs to see a specialist, but he's been reticent about it.
I might be able to get him to do a phone consult with someone who does that. I've read some of the posts here and have seen the recommendations for carboplatin with liver mets. I'll try to ask about that... if we get that far.
I'm not sure what our next steps should be. The talk of hospice has really thrown me.
I know you all have had tough days too. Thank you for listening!
With appreciation,