PSA Rising...Great Site...Sept. 20th 2021 PSA 0.86. Had Pacemaker implanted Oct 2nd 2021. Oct 18th PSA level rose to 1.23. Could this minor surgery raised my PSA levels? I'm freaking out. will get another PSA test ASAP. I'm 77 yrs. of age Been on Hormone therapy since Dec. 2020. Started on casodex with Lupron monthly injections, dropped casodex for Zytiga about 6 months in. Any thoughts or info would be much appreciated.
PSA Rising: PSA Rising...Great Site... - Advanced Prostate...
PSA Rising

Surgery had no effect on PSA. Try switching from prednisone to dexamethasone.
Nothing in your profile. Did you have a prostatectomy? Radiation? Debulking? Metastatic - how many? Where? Lymph node metastases or treatment?
Thank you for your reply TA. Diagnosed Dec. 2020 Metastatic stage 4 PC. PSA 960
This is still Wolverine I got cut off to continue TA...PSA 960, ALP 915 Started on casodex Dec. 20 2020 then Lupron at 6 month mark dropped casodex started zytiga. At time of diagnosis, bone mets to many to count. No bone pain yet. Symptoms at diagnosis frequent voiding at night, edema 5 days some retention. Wore catheter for 7 months, because unable to void at all even after urolift procedure. Found new urologist got me off catheter, still some retention started me on flomax then Sept 10th added 5 mg proscar, voiding much better. TA Found article on PUBMed. stent implants caused rise in PSA levels. Could not find any link concerning Pacemaker surgery. I'm guilty of taking one 250mg zytiga with food. Tonight will start taking as prescribed, 1000 mg without food, again thanks for your response TA. as a side note been liftings weights 30 to 40 minutes cardio daily. With Pacemaker implant no heavy lifting upper body. However back to cardio & leg presses
Have you discussed a TURP?
Thanks for replying TA.. TURP?? in what regard.? The flomax & Proscar seem to be working, Started proscar Sept. 10th 2021. I know it takes awhile to get full effect of proscar. So if you are suggesting TURP for urinary retention, the meds seem to be working for now on my bladder. My greatest fear, have I become hormone resistant? PSA 0.86 thirty days later 1.23. after 10 months of ADT. That's why I asked if my Pacemaker implant surgery(Oct 2, 2021) PSA test Oct 18 showed rise in PSA may possibly be the cause.
It sounded like you've had some pretty serious urinary retention. A TURP can fix that and prevent future issues as the cancer plugs things up.
Try switching to dexamethasone to keep the Zytiga working longer.
Thanks Tall a l l e n... Will see oncologist November 5th. Will seek options including replacing prednisone Thanks
I have the same problen.Undergo TURP 3 years ago and till now my urination is regular.
Better do it now prior to your cancer treantment to avoid complication later if you are treating your pca with RT.
Hi TA....googled about Dexamethasone, and I did indeed read zytiga more effective for castrate resistance combined with 0.5 of Dexa. How effective is Dexa for hormone sensitive patients taking zytiga?. Still hoping was temporary rise in PSA. Alot happened between PSA test going from 0.86 to 1.23 in a month.Bradycardia came on suddenly cut most meds including zytiga for at least 4days hoping bradycardia would go away. Bradycardia did NOT go away went to ER. determined need pacemaker ASAP. So transplanted foreign object in my chest along with 2 wires to heart. Also started Proscar Sept. 10th 2021. Read proscar can raise testosterone levels 10 to 20 %. My testosterone level before proscar was less than 10. so if went up 1 or 2 points not a factor. I guess the stopping of meds for a few days and the trauma, Bradycardia then the surgery may have caused a temp. rise PSA Hoping next PSA test will be lower. Only been on zytiga about 5 months. Your thoughts TA
Switching may increase useful life of Zytiga:
Proscar only increasing testosterone in the absence of Lupron.
Hi wolverine11,
You should ask for genetic testing to see if you have any mutations that lend you to immuno therapy. There are some people here that had excellent results... it seems your PCa is pretty aggressive which is characteristic of mutations... Keytruda has been a real breakthrough in this area.