I have posted before but may be a short introduction helps. I am 71 yo and was dx of Gleason 6 back in May 2019 with PSA 10.5. Had my RARP in Toronto (Princess Margaret Hospital) in Oct 2019. I did not have lymph node exploration because the urologist did not feel that I needed it with Gleason 6. Pathology report came back with Gleason 7(3+4), but with extracapsular extension and positive surgical margin. Recovery was rough with several episode of urinary retention, but eventually settled down. Regained most of my continence back within 10-12 months. Tracking PSA every 3 months was not so favourable. Started with 0.026 to 0.032 to 0.040, at which time I was referred to a radio-oncologist. I went through salvage IMRT in Oct 2020 of the prostate bed. But there was no reduction of PSA whatsoever. They came back to be 0.033(Oct2020), 0.040(Jan2021), 0.045(Apr2021) and now 0.061(Jul2021). During all the while, I went through about four UTI's whereas I never had one before.
I will be talking with my radio-oncologist in 2 weeks. I wonder if it is too premature to seek testing for mets. Not sure how I should be interpreting this persistent rise in PSA despite treatment? What questions should I be asking the radio-oncologist? I am not scheduled to see my urologist(specialized in PCa) until Oct2021.
I believe it is a matter of time to start ADT. What can I do for now?
Please advise.