Hi guys,
Looking for some advice and experiences that may help. My Father was diagnosed with prostate cancer in march 2014 with a PSA of 433.
First round of ADT got his PSA down to 0.23. He has since done three rounds of intermittent hormone therapy since, and he is currently on Zytiga and Firmagon after Casodex previously failed last year. However for the first time his PSA has gone up whilst on Zytiga. From 20 to 32. A CT Scan today has revealed several mets on the spine, ribs and manubrium which are described as mild endplate depressions but with no significant vertebral collapse.
We are scheduled to see Dr Nick Plowman on Harley Street (He was strongly recommended by Dr Khoo at the Royal Marsden) My Father has never had radiation, chemo, xandti, enzalutamide, denosumab etc.
What other treatments are viable at this stage? We are looking to do a PMSA scan with a view to Lutetium 177 as well.
Has anybody used radiation for several bone mets?
Has anybody had any experience with Chemo or BAT resensitising Zytiga ?
Any other advise would be greatly received.
My Father has no pain also.
Huge thank you to anybody who replies.