Hi, my dad (now 70 years old) was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of prostate cancer 22 months ago. His SPA never increased, so was not diagnosed as quickly or easily as other forms. He had bone mets by the time it was diagnosed. His first course of treatment was Taxotere and lupron, alobg with some radiation, which worked well for about 20 months. His last scan revealed tumors in the lungs, ureter, and some kidney issues because of blocked kidney stones which can't be passed because of tumors blocking the road, so to speak. He is diabetic and had heart issues in the past.
The doctor is starting him on zytiga and prednisone this week. Based on his past history, what should we look for/expect from this new treatment? When the Dr met with my dad originally, the Dr was downcast about the treatment options, but now seems to be much more optimistic. My reading indicates that Zytiga will buy little, if any, time since he already did chemo, radiation, and lupron. We are looking for quality of life more than quantity of life.