I apologize if this is more info than you need/want....This is an attempt to provide you with a brief outline of Rob's PC history, so that you might give me your advice as to his present situation....I felt we needed a second opinion...and I could not think of any better place to go.
12/2011 ~ PC diagnosed ~ PSA 6.48
3/2012 ~ Robotic Prostatectomy ~ PC in Seminal Vesicles and
Lymph Node ~ PSA 2.42, Gleason 4 + 5 = 9
Started Eligard and PSA declined rapidly
6/2012 ~
Started Avodart, per Dr. Snuffy Myers
8/2012 ~ Sand Lake Imaging in Orlando, FL, per Dr. Myers
9/2012-11/2012 DART Radiation at Datolli Center in Sarasota, FL
Pathological Diagnosis, per Dr. Dattoli ~ T3, N1, Mx
PSA as of 11/19/2012 ~ .029/.033 (3rd Generation PSA Assay)
10/2014 ~ started Firmagon, Avodart & Zytiga + Prednisone...and Leukine & Pharmanac to boost immune system which Dr. Myers said had been greatly damaged by heavy doses of radiation at Datolli...Rob’s immune system markers steadily increased!
7/2015 ~ PSA down to 0.015 (all time low!) following addition of Estrogen Patch in June 2015
11/2015 ~ PSA back up to 0.024
5/2016 ~ Severe Shingles ~ PSA went up from 0.023 to 0.044
12/2016 ~ PSA back down to 0.021 and bounced around til ....
5/2017 ~ PSA 0.035
6/2017 ~ Guardant Test, per Dr. Myers (Did not reveal anything.)
7/2017 ~ per phone consult with Dr. Myers: Bone Scan showed no new metastases;
Alkaline Phosphates trending upward could indicate that PC may be getting
ready to move into the bones......(Alk Ph’s up to 77 from mid 50’s in April,
GEORGETOWN HOSPITAL (one recommended by Dr. Meyers)
9/2017 ~ First met with new/present doctor ~ She said that she would continue Dr. Myers’ protocol.
12/2017 ~ Doctor took Rob off Leukine
1/2018 ~ WBC Count dropped to 4.3, from 9.1 in December, 2017.
3/2018 ~ Alkaline Phosphates up to 96; while PSA up, but still low (0.2)
Asked doctor to run Chromogranin-A (per Nalakrats counsel.)
4/2018 ~ WBC down to 4.0
Asked Dr. to check the markers for Rob’s immune system
6/2018 ~ Numbers came back similar to what they were
when Dr. Myers put Rob on Leukine.).
We wanted Rob to go back on Leukine...Dr. wanted to rerun the blood test and if it came back the same, have Rob go to an infectious disease doctor.
7/12/2018 ~ Second blood tests for immune system confirmed the first results.
Dr. arranged for Rob to be seen by Dr. Bellanti, an immunologist...
Met with Dr. Bellanti who talked with us at length, reviewed Rob’s PC history, researched Leukine and PC and ordered more blood work.
8/30/2018 ~ Met with Dr. who had conferred with Dr. Bellanti and agreed to return to daily injections of Leukine.
9/10/2018 ~ Restarted Leukine! His immune system markers have gone back up
to a not real high, but normal range. :)!
Since April, 2018 Rob’s PSA numbers have been bouncing, while slowly rising:
0.2 in April, 0.450 in June, 0.540 in Aug, 0,396 in Oct, 0.492 in November....
and his Chromogranin-A has done similarly: 143 in April, 177 in May, 204 in June, 207 in July, 177 in Aug.2, 203 in Oct, 164 in Nov.
He is scheduled for an Aximun Pet Scan next Thursday....
I recently asked Dr. in an email what she made of the PSA and Chromogranin numbers....
She said that I was stressing over it too much and we would talk about it at our
next visit in December....
SO, I AM ASKING....what do you all make of what is going on with Rob ( I understand that rising Chromogranin numbers with low PSA can be indicative of neuroendocrine PC and Dr. agreed)....do you think that the Aximun scan is still advisable since his PSA is thankfully, still below 1 (it was ordered because I pointed out that I had read that the scans he was having were pretty useless until his PSA was much higher)...just want to catch anything as early as possible.....Just want to do the very best for Rob!!! He is my hero...he has not complained one time, since this insidious disease was discovered in his body. Thank you to all who take the time to read through all this and respond. And may God bless and care for you and your families.