Hello, I am a 26 year old woman who has the contraceptive implant which is due to come out in August.
Over the last few weeks I have been having really strange periods - lasting 2 weeks and really heavy, or having like 3 really small ones a month, also have had more extreme back pain, lost my appetite and just feel generally 'bleugh'. Over the last week I have been waking up covered in sweat but cold, with goosebumps all over my body. Nothing house/bed/sheet wise has changed over the last two years so it wouldn't be that.
I know I may sound silly but I've not been feeling right for a while and as I'm at university with only one doctors surgery it is difficult to get seen. If anyone has any advice or experience with what I have said, I'd really appreciate it (even if it's just to tell me that I'm being silly!!)
I've researched my symptoms and I'm just more confused as ever, as although I am 26 I am fairly naive with menstrual problems and do not really have any one to ask.
Thank you